Monday 23 December 2019

Diverticulitis is a progressive inflammatory disease

Diverticulitis is when the diverticula, which are small pockets in the wall of the large intestine become inflamed and infected. This occurs when the muscles of the colon start to become weak. Diverticulosis is the name given to the illness before the diverticula become inflamed or infected. It is more common as people age and only a small percentage get the full blown diverticulitis. It is more common in the lower part of the colon.

Diverticulosis is often unnoticed until it becomes infected and inflamed, basically until it becomes diverticulitis. Some of the common symptoms are ongoing constipation or diarrhoea, a tender abdomen or cramping and bloating, pain from bowel movements, blood in the stool or nausea and vomiting. Diverticulitis can be very painful when it flares up and becomes inflamed or infected. Some severe cases may require immediate surgery.
The cause of this condition is not fully understood but some researcher’s suspect it could be caused by a combination of poor eating habits, age and genetics. Diverticulitis is a disease that is influenced by factors such as obesity, physical activity levels, and smoking.

Diagnosis and treatments
The symptoms can vary from person to person. You will be asked about your symptoms and have some tests done such as blood tests and a colonoscopy.
Sometimes diverticulitis requires surgery but this is usually in severe cases. Your doctor may prescribe antibiotics to help ease the infection, however there has been research that shows that this treatment is overused. Instead perhaps search for a natural treatment to help relieve the pain and infection from your trained naturopath and nutritionist.

Probiotics are bacteria that is in the food we eat; these bacteria are good for your health and has many benefits. There are many different strains of probiotics that are very helpful in reducing the symptoms of diverticulitis, particularly lactobacillus casei and lactobacillus paracasei.  

Some of the best foods containing probiotics are fermented, such as yoghurt, sauerkraut, miso and yoghurt. You can also use probiotic supplements; however, it is best to seek advice from your natural health care practitioner to insure you are taking the correct dosage and strain for your diverticulitis. 

A diet rich in fibre may help prevent diverticulosis turning into diverticulitis. Good sources of fibre include nuts, legumes, vegetables, and fruits. So when you are suffering from the painful symptoms of diverticulitis why not change your eating habits and take vitamin supplements under the guidance of your natural health care practitioner? We have had much success in this area of health care. Give us a call today.

Monday 2 December 2019

Treating Dementia naturally

Living with dementia is not easy for the person suffering from it as well as those closest to them. It is normal for people to get a little more forgetful as you age but if it becomes more than that it could be a sign of something more serious. Dementia is an illness that affects the sufferer’s memory. It can be very debilitating as slowly it may lead to the person not being able to do simple day to day activities. Poor memory may affect them to the extent that they can forget where they live, forget to turn electrical appliances off in the house before leaving or forget how to operate machinery properly and endanger themselves.

Dementia is a group of illnesses. The most common is Alzheimer’s disease, however other illnesses that lead to or are causes of dementia are brain tumours, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, downs syndrome and multiple sclerosis. All these illnesses affect the sufferer’s cognitive abilities. It is more common in people over the age of 80 and women are more likely to develop dementia than men.

When you have close relatives, such as a a parent or a sibling, that have developed dementia you are at a higher risk of developing dementia yourself, although it isn’t a guarantee that you will. Another risk factor is if you are a heavy smoker you are also at a higher risk of developing dementia later in life. Apart from that the causes are somewhat unknown and it is not simply a factor of growing older. Cognitive ability and immunity have a lot to do with it.
Natural treatments
There are some things that you and you family can use to help delay dementia and help to keep some quality of life for the sufferer. Nutrition is one way that you can help to boost your brain function. Fish is high in Omega 3 fatty acids which are shown to be beneficial to help delay and possibly prevent dementia. Remember though that the Omegas are best taken in a combination of 3, 6 and 9 equally. Vitamin B is also very good. On the other hand, saturated and trans fatty acids may increase a person’s risk.
Another way to help lower your risk of developing dementia is to keep your brain active and stimulated. You can do this by continuing to study or doing puzzles, Sudoku or any other word or Maths games to help keep you brain stimulated. Mental activity stimulates brain growth which will lower your risk of developing dementia. Physical activity is also important to keep your brain healthy. Exercise can increase the blood flow to the brain.
Some natural herbs have been found to help prevent dementia, these include Ginkgo Biloba, which helps with cognition, moods and emotions. Sage is good for boosting memory and lemon balm can also help to boost cognitive functions. However, before using any of these herbs it is always important to consult a natural practitioner who is trained in these products as some of these herbs may affect other medications that you may be taking.
Lastly some studies have found that massage creates reduced anxiety in people with dementia and can sometimes help to stop behaviour like wandering and pacing, which is caused by dementia.
Consult your natural therapist at this clinic to find out what you can do to keep yourself and your brain young and active despite your age. 

Monday 21 October 2019

Acid Reflux and natural options to heal

Acid reflux is also known as heartburn, indigestion and pyrosis and it happens when food and stomach acid go back up into the oesophagus. Acid reflux can be very painful, cause burping, vomiting, choking and is dangerous long term as not only can you have a burnt oesophagus but it is believed in some more severe cases there can be chest pains that can feel like you’re having a heart attack. The acid can irritate the oesophagus and also cause scarring, swelling, ulceration and hemorrhaging. Some experts believe frequent acid reflux could lead to oesophageal cancer.

If you are a sufferer you may need to look at your diet and see if there is something that is causing it such as eating too late at night, too heavy meals, over eating, sweet foods like chocolate, coffee etc. Remedies involve foods with live enzymes, alkaline foods and remedies, slippery elm powder (not the tablets, the powder). All these remedies involve a balance of the hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach. By changing regular table salt to Himalayan crystal salt with many trace minerals that are good for you may get some improvement. Also Betaine HCL supplements before meals can help to balance the hydrochloric acid levels, some digestive enzymes and making sure you eat a lot slower.

Changing your diet can be helpful. If you are eating a lot of processed foods or sugars it will imbalance the bacteria in the stomach. Replace wheat and yeast with wheat free/yeast free products, go lactose free or cut out dairy completely and replace packaged foods with fresh fruit and vegetables. Probiotics and prebiotics will help balance stomach bacteria.

Calm your stomach with one tablespoon raw organic apple cider vinegar in water if you are not sensitive to this food as it will help to promotes digestion. Do a sensitivity test to check what foods you are sensitive to and which cause inflammation. Also organic Aloe Vera is good for calming the stomach and supports digestion.

Our clinic assists with changes in diet, healthy eating plans, sensitivity testing and balancing your inflammation levels.

Saturday 21 September 2019

Fibroids – what are they and why are they a problem?

Fibroids are very common; they are growths that form on the smooth muscles in the pelvic region in women. These are non-cancerous and can vary in size. Based on their location, there are different types of fibroids. If they are growing out and away from the cavity of the uterus, they are given the name subserosal, if they are growing in the muscle wall they are known as intramural fibroids and if they grow into the cavity of the uterus, they are called submucosal fibroids.     
Symptoms that you may get when you have fibroids are problems with menstruation, this could mean things like heavy bleeding or bleeding more that once a month and/or your period lasting longer. Other symptoms are pain in your pelvic area, more frequent urination or trouble emptying your bladder when you go, constipation and back or leg pain.
The most common way to find out if you have fibroids is to have an ultrasound done. Having both a trans-abdominal and a trans-vaginal ultrasound can increase the accuracy. Sometimes they can be mistaken as cysts. When the fibroids are only small and are no bigger than 3cm you may be told to keep an eye on the symptoms and they will monitor them to see if they continue to grow.
What causes fibroids?
You may have a greater risk of them growing if you have your first period before the age of 10, have not had children, if you have polycystic ovary syndrome, have diabetes and/or are over the age of 40. Other factors that can lead to fibroids are high blood pressure, excess body fat around the waist, bad cholesterol or triglyceride levels and eating to many foods with carbohydrates – breads, cakes, potatoes etc. Another cause of fibroids can be stress because when you are stressed you don’t eat properly or take care of yourself as well as you could. Often you forget to exercise or get enough sleep and all this makes for poor health and lowered immune systems.
To help shrink the fibroids and help relieve the pain you can try some vitamins and herbs such as green tea, Vitamin D, Curcumin, and Black Cohosh. There are other natural ways and these should be done under the care of your natural therapist in unison with your doctor.
Acupuncture can help with pain. In some severe cases you may be told you need to have a hysterectomy but if you can, and if your doctor agrees, try to treat them naturally first.
There is also a surgical procedure that can remove the fibroids leaving the uterus but the success of this procedure is restricted to how big they already are. Other procedures that can be performed include a UAE, this is when they try and cut the blood supply to the fibroids by inserting microscopic inert particles, which are plastic. However there can be quite a few complications related to this procedure including pain, cramping, vomiting, fatigue and fever.
There is also magnetic resonance-guided ultrasound surgery, which involves a high energy ultrasound wave being directed at the fibroid. This has been known to reduce symptoms, however can be only temporary.
The good news is that fibroids can shrink as you pass through menopause. All on their own but it is a good idea to give them a bit of help to make sure by contacting your natural therapist who will give you the right diet, supplements and lifestyle changes you need to get you healthy and keep you that way.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Improving your brain function

Being healthy is not just about physical health. It’s not just about doing exercise, eating healthy and drinking enough water. You also need to look after your brain function if you want to be an active elderly adult.

Monitoring brain function pretty much can only be done by checking out how good we feel. Unfortunately this is not a good way to monitor things as there are a lot of factors that contribute to you feeling good or bad. Sometimes when you feel a bit off colour and foggy in the head your brain may just need a bit of a boost.

Improving your brain function is not as hard as you may think, all we need is a little help and this can be as simple as taking adaptogens. These are herbs or fungi that not only help boost brain function but can help your body adapt to stress, both physical and mental. They help to support your body, regulate your hormones as well as giving your immune system a boost.

Adding these herbs to your morning smoothie is a great way to add adaptogens to your diet. These herbs can help with focusing, productivity, and memory.

Herbs to ask your naturopath about

Turmeric is also known as Curcumin. It’s a great herb that has many health benefits some of which are anti-inflammatory. Research shows that it can be beneficial to Alzheimer’s sufferers or people who have suffered from a stroke. Turmeric can also help if you are suffering from mild depression as it has shown to have anti-depressant properties. 

A powdered root called Ashwagandha can help increase brain function also as it helps improve memory and reduces brain fog. It has been shown to help with message transmitting from the body to the brain and vice versa.

Maca can help balance hormones, stimulate neural activity and help balance mood swings when taken regularly. Maca also helps with depression and anxiety. This wonderful herb contains antioxidants and AcHE inhibitory properties which help stop neurotransmitters from breaking down. That means it could be beneficial to people suffering with neurodegenerative diseases.

Rhodiola rosea is another herb great for reducing stress while increasing mental energy, focus, and fortitude by making neurons more sensitive to dopamine and serotonin. It also has antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties and can be a great natural way to treat those with neurodegenerative diseases.

Siberian Ginseng is another herb which helps to improve memory and speed up the processes in the brain making it easier to learn faster and absorb information so this is a good herb to take while studying.
All these herbs are great for improving brain function but when taking adaptogens it is important to consult a professional as these herbs can be powerful and may affect some conditions and medications such as birth control pills, diabetes medication and antidepressant medication. So never go and just buy herbs or supplements off the shelf without checking with your naturopath as they are the trained expert in this field. Bottom of Form

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Time to Detox and Get Healthy!

Information supplied thanks to Metagenics. This clinic uses some Metagenics products to help you get healthy and stay healthy.  

Call us today to find out how we can help you get healthier 0414680713

Friday 26 July 2019

Technology and its effect on relationships

Technology is at the heart of our lifestyle. It has changed the way we communicate in our everyday life. We now type emails instead of letters, sent instantly. We text instead of call and instead of meeting face to face we use video calls and face time.
In the past when we dated we used to get dressed up and head out to different places to meet people. Today we don’t have to leave the house. A lot of people are using technology to find love because it’s as easy as swiping right if you like the look of someone. There’s a lot of sites that cater for people who are looking for love but how is this technology effecting our relationships?
Every person has a preconceived expectation of what it’s like to be loved. Some people need to be told they are loved while others need to be hugged. Technological dating makes it hard sometimes to work out what the other person needs and can lead to issues when you finally do meet face to face so let’s look at the different ways people express and expect love sometimes.
Affection and appreciation
Does your partner respond well to loving words? If they do it might be a good idea to make that short phone call to tell them you’re thinking of them and love them. Sure it’s easier to flick them a text but going that one step further and making the call may mean so much more to them. Words of complement or appreciation also go a long way if your partner is one that responds well to loving words. Or even a gentle touch or holding their hand can express something that perhaps the heart on the phone screen doesn’t quite say in the same way.
Some people would like you to show them love through your actions. This could be cooking dinner for them, giving them a relaxing massage or taking care of them when they are feeling unwell. This is one area in which today's technologies can come in handy as there are all types of apps these days to help to make things easier, cheaper and save time.
Time and attention
Sometimes all we want is for our partner to spend some quality time with us and give us their full attention. Technology can sometimes get in the way with this. Yes, you may be able to multitask but is that really quality time? Does sitting on your phone scrolling through Facebook or reading emails while having dinner or watching a movie with your partner really qualify as quality time? If this is the way your partner treats you then you may need to tell them to put that phone down and spend an evening or lunch break just with you.
Giving Gifts
Some people like to receive tokens of affection as in gifts to show love. If your partner’s love language is receiving gifts, then the importance of the gift is magnified. Birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, giving your partner not necessarily expensive gifts, but giving them thoughtful gifts will make them feel special and loved. Technology can make this easy with online shopping and you cannot save time finding the perfect gift while comparing prices and saving money.
So while technology can lead to many arguments about Facebook and scrolling between couples there is also an upside. You can find things you have in common online, share ideas about what movies to watch, text each other flirty messages and use it to communicate rather than communication breakdowns. Keep in mind yours and your partners preferences when is comes to how we need to give and receive love and keep the lines of communication flowing.

Monday 1 July 2019

Thank you and its importance in good communication

Thank you is something that we are all taught to say from a young age. Saying thank you is respectful and polite but it’s actually much more than that. We are taught to say it when we receive a gift, or someone does something kind for us. We say it as it is a way of acknowledging what the other person did and shows we appreciate it. Sometimes we don’t say it enough to our partner and we assume the other person knows we appreciate them. This may not be the case and often in relationships it’s important to say the words in order to communicate clearly.

As a response to criticism
Often when people criticise our heart centre closes up and we don’t even want to speak to them. Sometimes though criticism may be constructive and if it is then best to take it on board. In that case you can thank them for their feedback which also serves to neutralise the situation.

When people butt in
Similarly, sometimes we may feel like telling someone to just ‘mind their own business’ when they butt in. It could be a situation where someone thinks they are being helpful by giving advice but it can be quite irritating. A simple thank you can stop unnecessary conflict. Sometimes blunt, unflattering words can give us very helpful feedback. Instead of going into defence mode if we take it on board it may be a way to inspire our future progress.

As a response when someone is being nice
Have you ever received a compliment and flicked it off rather than just saying ‘thank you?’ Have you made it sound like you did nothing special? This is deflecting the compliment and devaluing it. So in future why not simply say thank you and let it make you feel good?

Running late
The usual response for being late is an apology. This keeps the focus on ourselves. Whilst it may be stressful for you to run late it is also disrespectful for the other person. So instead of a ‘sorry’ why not thank the other person for waiting for you, for their patience and understanding. This shifts the focus to them.

Customer service
What is your response when someone complains about your product or service? Do you become defensive and try to put the blame onto the customer asking how they used the product, or if they followed the instructions properly? Would it not be better to listen to what they have to say, thank them for the information, ask for more details and thank them for the feedback? Then in a calm way you can decide how you can cement the relationship.

Perhaps another important place to say thank you is when someone comes to you in grief after a loss. Sometimes we are uncomfortable and don’t know what to say so we try to calm them reminding them they will always have the memories of their loved one. These platitudes though really don’t help much. Is it not better to thank them for trusting you enough to share their feelings with you and to hear them out?

So as you can see these two words, ‘thank you’ can have a powerful meaning to show your appreciation and open the lines of communication with others. Perhaps it would be a good idea to use them more often.

Monday 20 May 2019

Sugar onslaught – It’s just so bad for your health

Sugar is bad for us and we know it adds to obesity, being more at risk of developing type 2 diabetes and can cause a whole variety of health issues. Sugar is highly addictive because it causes the release of opioids and dopamine, which increase feelings of pleasure in the body, but unfortunately your body gets used to the level of these quite quickly and craves even greater quantities of sugar. The maximum recommended daily intake of sugar is 6 teaspoons in a day which as a natural therapist I find pretty high. Given that there is a lot of added sugar in many foods we eat we probably have that level already in our daily intake without adding sugar to anything.


Fructose, a simple component found in added sugars we use can affect the Leptin hormones, which tells your brain when you are full, thus running the risk of continuously over eating. Adding sugar to hot drinks to make them sweeter also adds to us eating too much sugar. This then causes excessive weight gain. By reducing the amount of sugary foods you eat and remembering to give your body time to adjust, usually about a couple of weeks, the addiction to sugar will get less. Take a walk to reduce cravings or eat some protein rich foods such as eggs.

Fructose can affect your organs in a negative way. Fructose can cause your liver to start to store fat even around itself and other organs. This excess sugar in turn raises our insulin levels which then can lead to insulin resistance, high blood pressure and other health problems like heart disease. Research from the USA has even found a link between insulin resistance, high fat diets and Alzheimer’s disease. The research also showed that the brain can be affected by the way it uses glucose. Rats that were tested showed that sweet and fatty foods are associated in triggering Alzheimer’s. Added sugar in your diet can also create an excess in unhealthy cholesterol in the body and too much sugar can lead to depression.

What to do 

These are just a few of the reasons it’s important to eliminate sugar from your diet so start reading labels of the foods you eat and no matter how healthy it says a product is remember, if it contains sugar, it takes away from any other healthy ingredients in it. Get rid of the packaged food and just eat two fruits a day, vegetables and a minimum of one serve of protein be it meat, fish, beans or lentils. Drink lots of pure, filtered water and exercise at least three times a week and very soon you will find many of your health issues will start to disappear.

Monday 1 April 2019

Aussies and weight gain – there is a solution

Did you know that over half of us Aussies are overweight, despite the fact many of us eat lots of sugar free, fat free, light diet food and drinks. This is because, even though the food is labelled diet it doesn’t always mean it’s a healthy choice.

Low kilojoule meals are one example. These meals are great when it comes to portion control but they are full of carbohydrates such as white flour, rice potatoes and often full of sugar. These white refined carbohydrates can cause overeating as they lack fibre and are digested quickly leaving you feeling hungry sooner than high fibre, slow release carbohydrates such as brown pasta, sweet potato and brown rice. 

Another meal that can cause overeating because it leaves you feeling unfulfilled are protein shakes and meal replacement shakes. These shakes may help you lose some weight in the beginning but they are impossible to sustain for a long period of time and keep the weight off.

Low carb labels don’t always mean low kilojoules or that it is a healthy choice, as well as the low-fat labels. Be careful to what you are buying because these ‘diet’ products are usually full of sugar or artificial sugar which are both bad for your health, not to mention the high salt content. You need to pay attention to the nutrition labels on the back of the packet rather than the big labels on the front of a product that are marketed to sell.

For best results for not only weight loss but a healthier body is to eat a well-balanced diet of whole grains, vegetables, fruit and proteins such as lean meat, chicken, pork and fish. Also eating proper portion sizes is needed because even if you are eating the right things eating too much can contribute to weight gain. We also need to stay active and exercise. Drinking enough water is also important. It is recommended to drink up to two litres of water a day.

Your diet may not be the only reason you are gaining weight, other things that can contribute to weight gain include thyroid and/or hormone problems, digestive issues such as not going to empty your bowels every day and metabolic syndrome. If you are struggling with your weight the you may want to get your health checked out. Consult a nutritionist to ask about foods as that is what they are trained to help you with and a hypnotherapist for help with diet portions and to control your cravings.

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Healthy habits that make you successful

Successful people make success a part of their lifestyle so to become successful we need to copy some of the things they do. This involves looking at future goals in order to make working towards these part of your daily habits. We need to first take care of ourselves with a healthy diet, some physical activity and good sleeping patterns so that we are healthy enough to work towards what we desire in our lives. There is no such thing as a quick fix and it’s important to start thinking long term about what you want your life to be. Setting small goals to achieve this will help keep you motivated to work towards that long-term goal.

It’s very easy to make excuses for not doing something and then beat up on yourself for not being successful. Excuses are a way of deflecting responsibility of weaknesses and past failures. In order to become successful it’s important to take responsibility for our own mistakes and learn from them. Excuses will just stop you from reaching your full potential. Once you put the source of the problem inside yourself you become empowered to do something about it. It is difficult to find perfection in an imperfect world but if you give of yourself 100% every time to reach your goals the very motivation and momentum will keep you going. This will make you the best you can possibly be. Sometimes we get stuck in the moment thinking that we cannot do something because our intelligence or talents are predetermined and that we can’t change this. If we change our way of thinking and remember that we can learn new skills then begin to work at it then it is possible to achieve anything.

Achieving our goals needs constant relentless attention. Find your dream and break it down easily into goals that are achievable. Put a time limit on each goal and work towards each one, one at a time. Be focused and do not diverse your attention. It is incorrect to split your energy and believe you will succeed. Multi-tasking is not a time saver because you are wasting time swapping from task to task and not giving each task your full concentration hindering the outcome. So stay focused and work your way towards success. Have faith and simply follow the path without needing to have vice grip control of everything. Some things need to gain their own momentum. Over control of situations leads to a lot of unnecessary stress over what we cannot control however it is important to remember that we can control the way we react to things. Change our reactions and immediately everything around them will change also.

To be successful you need to work smart, stay focused on your path, learn to discern what is not included in your path and say no to it, don’t let others distract you and don’t get side-tracked wasting time on other things.