Monday 1 April 2019

Aussies and weight gain – there is a solution

Did you know that over half of us Aussies are overweight, despite the fact many of us eat lots of sugar free, fat free, light diet food and drinks. This is because, even though the food is labelled diet it doesn’t always mean it’s a healthy choice.

Low kilojoule meals are one example. These meals are great when it comes to portion control but they are full of carbohydrates such as white flour, rice potatoes and often full of sugar. These white refined carbohydrates can cause overeating as they lack fibre and are digested quickly leaving you feeling hungry sooner than high fibre, slow release carbohydrates such as brown pasta, sweet potato and brown rice. 

Another meal that can cause overeating because it leaves you feeling unfulfilled are protein shakes and meal replacement shakes. These shakes may help you lose some weight in the beginning but they are impossible to sustain for a long period of time and keep the weight off.

Low carb labels don’t always mean low kilojoules or that it is a healthy choice, as well as the low-fat labels. Be careful to what you are buying because these ‘diet’ products are usually full of sugar or artificial sugar which are both bad for your health, not to mention the high salt content. You need to pay attention to the nutrition labels on the back of the packet rather than the big labels on the front of a product that are marketed to sell.

For best results for not only weight loss but a healthier body is to eat a well-balanced diet of whole grains, vegetables, fruit and proteins such as lean meat, chicken, pork and fish. Also eating proper portion sizes is needed because even if you are eating the right things eating too much can contribute to weight gain. We also need to stay active and exercise. Drinking enough water is also important. It is recommended to drink up to two litres of water a day.

Your diet may not be the only reason you are gaining weight, other things that can contribute to weight gain include thyroid and/or hormone problems, digestive issues such as not going to empty your bowels every day and metabolic syndrome. If you are struggling with your weight the you may want to get your health checked out. Consult a nutritionist to ask about foods as that is what they are trained to help you with and a hypnotherapist for help with diet portions and to control your cravings.

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