Monday 2 December 2019

Treating Dementia naturally

Living with dementia is not easy for the person suffering from it as well as those closest to them. It is normal for people to get a little more forgetful as you age but if it becomes more than that it could be a sign of something more serious. Dementia is an illness that affects the sufferer’s memory. It can be very debilitating as slowly it may lead to the person not being able to do simple day to day activities. Poor memory may affect them to the extent that they can forget where they live, forget to turn electrical appliances off in the house before leaving or forget how to operate machinery properly and endanger themselves.

Dementia is a group of illnesses. The most common is Alzheimer’s disease, however other illnesses that lead to or are causes of dementia are brain tumours, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, downs syndrome and multiple sclerosis. All these illnesses affect the sufferer’s cognitive abilities. It is more common in people over the age of 80 and women are more likely to develop dementia than men.

When you have close relatives, such as a a parent or a sibling, that have developed dementia you are at a higher risk of developing dementia yourself, although it isn’t a guarantee that you will. Another risk factor is if you are a heavy smoker you are also at a higher risk of developing dementia later in life. Apart from that the causes are somewhat unknown and it is not simply a factor of growing older. Cognitive ability and immunity have a lot to do with it.
Natural treatments
There are some things that you and you family can use to help delay dementia and help to keep some quality of life for the sufferer. Nutrition is one way that you can help to boost your brain function. Fish is high in Omega 3 fatty acids which are shown to be beneficial to help delay and possibly prevent dementia. Remember though that the Omegas are best taken in a combination of 3, 6 and 9 equally. Vitamin B is also very good. On the other hand, saturated and trans fatty acids may increase a person’s risk.
Another way to help lower your risk of developing dementia is to keep your brain active and stimulated. You can do this by continuing to study or doing puzzles, Sudoku or any other word or Maths games to help keep you brain stimulated. Mental activity stimulates brain growth which will lower your risk of developing dementia. Physical activity is also important to keep your brain healthy. Exercise can increase the blood flow to the brain.
Some natural herbs have been found to help prevent dementia, these include Ginkgo Biloba, which helps with cognition, moods and emotions. Sage is good for boosting memory and lemon balm can also help to boost cognitive functions. However, before using any of these herbs it is always important to consult a natural practitioner who is trained in these products as some of these herbs may affect other medications that you may be taking.
Lastly some studies have found that massage creates reduced anxiety in people with dementia and can sometimes help to stop behaviour like wandering and pacing, which is caused by dementia.
Consult your natural therapist at this clinic to find out what you can do to keep yourself and your brain young and active despite your age. 

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