Monday 25 December 2023

How to keep your brain strong and healthy

We focus so much attention on keeping our body fit and healthy, that sometimes we forget that our brain needs attention also. There are many things you can do that will help your brain to adapt and change with the times. 

Be sure to enrich your environment by keeping your brain active. Be part of a learning environment that offers you plenty of opportunity for focus, novelty and is a good challenge. These types of environments can stimulate positive changes in your brain. It’s more important during childhood and adolescence but even adults get rewards from this type of stimulation.

Ways to keep your brain active

There are many things that you can do to challenge your brain and keep your mind sharp. Read, create art, travel to explore new places, learn a new language or learn how to play an instrument. Interrupt this with plenty of rest to let your brain recover.


Sleep has a very important role in dendritic growth in your brain. Dendrites are the growths at the end of neurons that help transmit information from one neuron to the next. If you strengthen these connections, it will help encourage greater brain plasticity. Sleep also has important effects on your physical and mental health. Make sleep and rest just as important as anything else.

If you need help improving your sleep, try practicing good sleep hygiene. This means developing a consistent sleep schedule and creating an environment that contributes to good sleep. Our clinic can assist with these. Set up a session with one of our sleep specialists today.


Regular exercise is also important for your brain’s health. Physical activity has many benefits such as preventing neuron loss in key areas of the hippocampus. This is the part of the brain involved in memory and other functions. Sleep also plays a role in new neuron formation in this same area. Exercise boosts brain plasticity, functional connectivity, and the basal ganglia, which is the part of your brain responsible for motor control and learning.

Playing games

Games aren't just for kids. By playing board, card, video, and other games it can help to improve your brain's neuroplasticity.  


Mindfulness is when you completely immerse your mind in the present moment, without ruminating over the past or contemplating the future. The key is being aware of the sights, sounds, and sensations around you.  

There are some medical conditions that tend to limit or hinder your brains plasticity. Some of these are epilepsy, cerebral palsy, tuberous sclerosis, and Fragile X syndrome. However there are also natural ways and some medications that can assist you if you have any of these conditions.

The bottom line is that it is important to remember to not only look after your body, but to also look after your brain. This will help keep it sharp and healthy.

Thursday 16 November 2023

What is Neuroplasticity and why is it important?

Your brain has the ability to adapt and change through your experiences. This is called Neuroplasticity. This term is an overall term that means your brain can adapt, change, reorganize, or grow new neural networks. This includes functional changes due to brain damage or structural changes due to learning. Your brain is composed of approximately 100 billion neurons. Your brain's neuroplasticity allows it to reorganize many pathways, create new connections, and, in some cases, even create new neurons.

Types of neuroplasticity

There are two main types of neuroplasticity, these are functional plasticity which is your brain's ability to move functions from a damaged area of the brain to other undamaged areas. The other is structural plasticity which is your brain's ability to actually change its physical structure as a result of learning.

How Neuroplasticity Works

When you are born and in the first few years of your life your brain is rapidly growing. At birth, every neuron in the cerebral cortex has an estimated 2,500 synapses, or small gaps between neurons where nerve impulses are relayed. By the time you are three, this number has grown to 15,000 synapses per neuron.

However, as an adult your brain only has about half that number of synapses. This is because as you gain new experiences, some connections are strengthened and others are eliminated. This process is called synaptic pruning. By developing these new connections and removing the weaker ones, your brain can adapt to your changing environment.

What does neuroplasticity do for your brain?

There are many things neuroplasticity does for your brain. It allows your brain to adapt to changes and this change helps promote improvements that can boost brain fitness, give you the ability to learn new things, to enhance existing cognitive capabilities and help with the recovery from strokes and traumatic brain injuries. It also strengthens areas where function is lost or has declined.

Characteristics of Neuroplasticity

Your age and environment play an important role in what the neuroplasticity looks like. While plasticity happens throughout your lifetime, there are certain types of changes that are more predominant at specific ages. Your brain changes a lot during your early years. It grows, matures and organises itself during these years. Your young brain would be more sensitive and responsive to experiences than your much older brain. However, adult brains are still capable of adaptation. Your genetics can influence neuroplasticity as well, as the interaction between the environment and your genetics plays a role in shaping your brain's plasticity.

Limitations of Neuroplasticity

You should be aware that the brain is not infinitely changeable. There are certain areas of your brain that are largely responsible for certain actions. These are areas that control movement, language, speech, and cognition. If you damage any of these areas it can result in deficits in those areas. Some recovery may be possible but other areas of the brain simply cannot fully take over these functions when they are affected by the damage.

What to do to improve your brain and life

It is very handy to know that your brain can change, learn and grow into new ways of doing things. This means you are in control of your learnt behaviours to some degree and can be very empowering. This is why it is important to feed your brain lots of positive information. Right now, you and the world have been through a hard time recovering from much misinformation and major historic events that threw us into a spin. Don’t buy into the negativity around you as it will lead to you being miserable and hibernate. Let’s stay positive and get our lives back on track to ‘normal’. This is important not only for yourself but for your family, career and peace of mind. Don’t fill your mind with negative garbage, endless webinars on doom and gloom for people and the planet. Be informed by all means but don’t dwell on it as it will lead you down a path of depression and anxiety. Read positive self-improvement books, meditate, socialise, eat good food, go on holiday and spend time with people you love. This is the best food for not only your brain but for your mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing also. 

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Aromatherapy and weight loss

Are you one of those people who have tried everything out there to lose weight and have not found something that works for you? Well, this might be just what you are looking for.

Along with changes to your lifestyle, eating habits and your approach to food, Aromatherapy can play a part in helping you to lose weight. Research has been done with aromatherapy, putting your sense of smell into action to help suppress your appetite.

If you inhale a strong spicy or food-related fragrance for at least five minutes before you eat you can suppress your appetite. The problem is, that if you inhale that fragrance for less than five minutes before eating you will actually increase your appetite.

Suppressing Your Appetite

To help you suppress your appetite create an aromatherapy blend that you can put on a tissue. Place the tissue in a shirt pocket or in your bra. If you are someone that tends to graze or snack throughout the day this will help keep that at bay. You only need three drops of each aromatherapy oils you choose to use. Use up to 3 oils at a time on the one tissue, and inhale it as required.

Best oils to choose

Some of the oils that have the most effect on appetite suppression include Grapefruit, Vanilla, Benzoin, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Clove, Fennel, Lemon, Marjoram, Orange, Mandarin, Ginger and Black Pepper. If you find oils that remind you of the foods you like to eat it will make them more effective. For me I like the sweet stuff, such as lollies, biscuits and chocolate, so I would use oils such as Vanilla, Cinnamon, Grapefruit or Orange on my tissue. Using this along with a healthy diet and exercise will help you see results.

Losing centimetres and reducing Cellulite 

If you are looking to reduce your centimetres and cellulite then these aromatherapy oils can help you with that as well. Use up to three of these essential oils - Rosemary, Grapefruit, Juniper, Angelica, Cypress, Lemon, Bergamot in 20mls of a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil. Massage yourself in the areas you want to focus on such as your legs, hips and thighs. Massage vigorously using plenty of percussion movements, like hacking and cupping. If you do this daily you will see inch loss in about six weeks. If you find you have an increased urge to urinate it means the blend is working. Remember to drink plenty of water to help your body remove any toxins.


Sometimes finding the energy to actually show up at the gym is one of the hardest parts of dieting. The essential oils Frankincense, Grapefruit, Juniper, Ginger, Peppermint will help to improve your state of mind and get you moving.

Emotional Eating

If you comfort eat, meaning you reward yourself with food when things go well, eat if you are bored or stop eating if you are very unhappy, then you emotionally eat. If you know you do this, then you need to tackle these habits too. Try any of the following essential oils to help you break any habits you have developed as a result of emotional eating. Lemongrass, Melissa, Frankincense, May Chang, Geranium, Palmarosa, Juniper, Cypress, Sandalwood.

This clinic uses essential oils to assist our clients. We can mix you up a blend that suits you and post it to you. Easy payment system and it will get to you in a week or so. Give us a call or email us on to purchase an oil.

Saturday 23 September 2023

Silica for your skin, hair, nails and even more

Silica is important for our bodies overall optimal functioning. It plays a big part in all areas of our health.

Research has found that silica plays a big part in proper growth and development. It is also needed for our body to create and maintain collagen. Many studies have concluded that deficiencies in silica develop abnormalities and affect growth. Silica supplementation helps in all stages of your life.

Collagen is a very tough, fibrous material. Its job is to hold us together physically. As we age, many problems are a result of your body not being able to maintain adequate collagen. These problems include dry skin, weakened teeth and gums, joint deterioration, brittle bones, several organs not working properly, hardening of the arteries and the inability to digest food properly. When you are young, silica levels in your body are high and making your bones and joints more flexible and your skin is supple and glowing. As we age, Silica levels decline, this leaves your body without adequate silica in your tissues. We tend to manifest many of the symptoms of aging like joint disease, weakened digestion, and wrinkled skin.

Health benefits

There is many health benefit that you get from silica. These include connective tissue strength and support for your joints, ligaments and muscles. Bone strength and support is another great benefit. This happens because calcium absorption is enhanced within the bone. Silica is the essential component involved with the collagen and calcium absorption. A deficiency in these means it is difficult to form bone. You need both the calcium and silica. It helps strengthen your teeth and gums and even assists in cardiovascular support by creating supple arteries and veins. It is also effective in removing plaque from your artery walls. Many stomach and digestive disorder involve a degeneration of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and silica assists in rebuilding these tissues.  

Silica is also great for your whole immune system. Your skin as your first line of defence against bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens needs this to maintain healthy skin tissue. Even with wound or burns it aids in the healing process. Silica also stimulates fast re-growth of damaged skin.

If you find that you are getting thinning hair, brittle nails, and dry skin check your collagen levels as these are all problems that occur when the levels are low. Lastly silica helps with aluminium elimination. Aluminium has been found to be a factor when it comes to getting Alzheimer’s disease.


The research shows that there are many benefits in taking a supplement. The reason you may need to supplement with silica is because as you age, your body retains less and less silica. Silica does not occur in sufficient amounts in food to do the job properly for you. It is however found in oats, millet, barley, wheat and potatoes. The problem is if you eat these foods, they are normally refined so much that all the silica has been removed and depending on your food sensitivities some of these can really upset your gut. Most people don’t not have adequate levels of essential nutrients, especially Silica when it comes to their diet.

Monday 21 August 2023

Muscadine grapes and their effects on cancer

Muscadine is a grape. Muscadines are well adapted to the warm, humid conditions of south-eastern U.S. This makes them perfect for growing in all humid areas of Australia. European grapes are unsuitable in these areas. These grapes grow on vigorous vines and should not be planted where they can escape into native bushland. This is because they would quickly smother trees and shrubs around them. 


Benefits of muscadine

This grape is not like any other grape, it has more chromosome pairs. Another way that this grape is different is that the level of tannins that it contains works through a different pathway other than just resveratrol. It also not helps to inhibit cancer cells but it uses a process called apoptosis. This is a process of programmed cell death. It is used to remove unwanted cells in the body. This process helps with the prevention of cancer. However, not all muscadines are the same.

Muscadine grapes are fat free, high in fibre and they are high in antioxidants, especially ellagic acid and resveratrol. Ellagic acid has demonstrated anticarcinogenic properties in the colon, lungs and liver of mice. Resveratrol lowers cholesterol levels and the risk of coronary heart disease.


Science studies, cancer and muscadine

Muscadine grapes are a powerful source of antioxidant compounds including ellagic acid, resveratrol, analogs, quercetin, other flavonoids, anthocyanins, and proanthyocyanidins, with the incredible phenolic rate of 87.1%. Ellagic acid is a polyphenol which intervenes in the different phases of cancer. It also intervenes in the way DNA interacts when DNA damage occurs. However, if you take ellagic acid separately it doesn’t really do much. It needs to be with other co-factors. It can also induce the detoxification Phase II enzymes which metabolize chemical substances we absorb but which pollute humans. This then transforms compounds which can make bad changes in your DNA into less toxic substances. It dissolves metalloproteinase which is an enzyme that pushes healthy cells aside and lets cancer cells grow. It also inhibits the blood supply to growing tumours. Research in a paper on muscadine in 2011 shows a 92.6% inhibition of 7 types of cancers and a 34.6% increase in tumour shrinkage within 60 days. This information is no longer available it seems on the internet. However the paper did encourage more studies to be done on muscadine.


Other grape benefits and Resveretrol

Many years ago the ‘Grape cure’ was used by natural therapists as one method of aiming to assist in cancer control. Resveretrol is only one of the substances important in this study. Unfortunately much of the older information has disappeared and no longer available. For whatever reasons many of the studies from the 1980’s to 2015 were not followed through as people became distracted with other world issues. However if you are diligent you will find information on these topics. Search for therapists that are older and recall some of this information. Remember that searching Google for information and treating yourself is not good for any illness. It takes years of training to put together the knowledge and education needed to treat people’s health. You can’t be your own doctor. Find practitioners you can trust and work with them and the medical profession to make a program that not only gets you healthy but keeps you healthy

Friday 28 July 2023

Reheated oil and their potential health risks

Most of us enjoy eating fish and chips from time to time, and why wouldn’t we treat ourselves? But have you ever thought about how they are cooked? Depending on the type of oil used and whether it has been reheated multiple times could mean that you could be exposing yourself to high levels of toxic aldehydes. These are chemicals that are known to cause neurodegenerative disease and cancer. You also need to be mindful of the oil you use at home. There has been research that has found that some of the popular cooking oils, such as soybean and sunflower oils, tend to generate high levels of toxic aldehydes when heated and then reheated again.

Reheating oils

Some cooking oils when they are reheated go through significant degradation of their fatty acid content. When this happens to the oil it makes way for the production of toxic aldehydes. In particular 4-hydroxy-[E]-2nonenal, 4-oxo-[E]-2-decenal, and 4-oxo-[E]-2-undecenal. The last two of these were not known until a study was done on the reheating of oils. Some of these aldehydes will dissipate after being produced in cooked oil. However, many of the others do not. They then start to accumulate making the oil more unsafe for use.

Consumption of these toxins

When we consume these toxins, they will react with the proteins we produce naturally. They also react with our enzymes, and hormones. This then leads to some serious health problems. The reason for the research into the cooking oil was due to the fact that it was already known that when oil reaches frying temperature it releases aldehydes. These then pollute the atmosphere and can be inhaled by us. This is what prompted the research to find out if the toxins remain in the oils after they are heated. Which of course we now know they do.

Symptoms of aldehyde toxicity

When we ingest the aldehydes, it can enter the blood and cause damage to your membranes and possibly cause scar tissue. It may cause you to have a faster heartbeat, a headache or an upset stomach. The brain is most affected by aldehyde poisoning. It causes problems with brain activity and can cause memory issues.

So next time you want to head for your local fish and chip shop you should just be mindful that the oils they are using may be more toxic for your health than you realise. Make sure you use the right oils for cooking. Some oils are never meant to be heated. Consult your nutritionist to find a list of which you can heat and can’t and stick to it. You will be much healthier for it. Anyone wanting a list I can email you one. Please message or email me through Facebook or my website and I will return send.

Thursday 15 June 2023

How to use herbs, supplements and detoxing to get healthier


There are so many herbs that have great health benefits. These have been scientifically studied and even before that were known to be beneficial. In particular are those for example for your respiratory health. You can take herbal supplements which will assist with breathing, lung function and sinus health. These include lovage root, eucalyptus leaf, peppermint left, rosemary, lemon balm leaf, lungwort leaf, orange leaf, plantain leaf, chapparal leaf, elecampane root, lobelia flower, and peppermint essential oil.

Peppermint and rosemary in particular contain rosmarinic acid which blocks the production of pro-inflammatory chemicals called leukotrienes. Rosmarinic acids also help encourage your cells to produce molecules that keep your airways open making it easier for you to breathe. These herbs can be used as a tea, as essential oils or even added to your food.

Other herbs

If you feel as though you are starting to get a cold or flu then using herbs can help you prevent it. Herbs like eucalyptus, peppermint, lungwort, lemon balm, orange peel, and plantain leaf are all good. Maybe have a tea or grab some supplements at the health food store to ease your symptoms.

Bioactive Carbons

Bioactive carbons are organic compounds which come from the soil. They are very small particles, even smaller than the cells of your body. These tiny particles carry nutrients in and out of cells. They also carry an electrical charge that impacts the energetic components of your cells. Bioactive carbons consist of two different plant-based acids. These are fulvic and humic acid. These bioactive carbons are one of the best defences against viruses due to the size and electrical charge.  They go into your cells and pull viruses out and drain them out of your body.

Detoxing from viruses, radiation and chemicals

There are many natural products to detox you from viruses, radiation and chemicals. These contain bioactive carbon. Your body will benefit greatly from this. It needs to be supervised by your naturopath as some of these are sitting in your cells like poison and need to be removed correctly. We specialise in helping people detox and get healthier. Whether it be from food sensitivities, allergies, pollution, radioactive chemicals, EMF’s etc. we can help you get healthier on all levels. Everyone is different so give us a call or flick us an email to find out specifically how we can help you. Go to our website for more contact details at

Wednesday 10 May 2023

Having a healthy Gut and why it’s important

When we talk about gut health, we are referring to the function and balance of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal organs include your oesophagus, stomach and intestines. These all work together to digest the food you eat.

Having a healthy gut is very important for your overall health. Your gastrointestinal tract starts at your mouth and ends at your bottom. The function of your gastrointestinal tract is to take in food, digest it, absorb nutrients and get rid of waste.

Why is gut health so important?

The gut doesn’t only have a role in digestion, but it also has a huge role to play when it comes to immunity, emotional stress and chronic illnesses. Your gastrointestinal tract is full of bacteria that helps your body process food, maintain homeostasis (balance) and enhances your overall wellbeing. It also contains the microbiome. This is the makeup of bacteria and microorganisms in your digestive tract. Everyone's microbiome is different. However, a diverse array of microorganisms is ideal for your health. If this is deficient it leads to an increase of disease-causing bacteria. Your gut health can be linked to many diseases, including anxiety, depression, asthma, allergies, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and dementia.

Signs it might be worthwhile getting your gut heath checked

  • Stomach discomfort. If you are experiencing frequent symptoms such as gas, bloating and abdominal pain.
  • Skin irritation. These can include acne, eczema and psoriasis.
  • Bowel irregularity or changes in the frequency or consistency of your stools.
  • Food sensitivities. These happen when the body has trouble digesting particular foods. This is different from a food allergy, which is caused by an immune system reaction. Food sensitivity symptoms can include bloating, abdominal pain, gas, diarrhoea and nausea. It is the underlying cause of inflammation which leads to many illnesses.
  • Heartburn or reflux
  • Nausea and vomiting

Make sure you see your natural therapist if you're experiencing these symptoms. You should probably see your doctor also if you need any blood tests etc. done. This is to make sure there isn't anything else going on. Your naturopath and nutritionist should be able to put you on the path good health.

A healthy digestive system means your food can be broken down. It needs to be broken down so it can enter the bloodstream and be delivered as nutrients to your body to keep it healthy. Healthy bacteria and immune cells are important to keep the gut healthy and fight off infections. Your general health and wellbeing are maintained by your gut communicating with your brain and creating the terrain for good health.

Ways to help support your gut health

There are a few things you can do to give your gastrointestinal tract help. Firstly, you can make sure you are adding a diverse range of foods to your diet. Especially foods that come from plants. Also, adding fermented foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut can help balance the bacteria. Add plenty of prebiotic fibre-rich foods such as whole grains, bananas, asparagus and Jerusalem artichoke to your diet.

You should try to limit your intake of artificial sweeteners.  Another way to support your gut health is to manage your stress levels. Stress and the health of your gut are intimately connected. Make sure you take the right supplements in the right balance to keep your body healthy. Find out what foods upset you and cause your inflammation and stick to a plan to eliminate them. Message, call or email us to make a time to find out what your food sensitivities are, help you plan a healthy eating plan and stabilise your inflammation levels. Then sit back and enjoy life as you get healthier.

Monday 24 April 2023

How to keep your teeth healthy

Your overall health can be affected by your oral health. Bad oral heath can lead to diabetes, HIV/AIDS, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s diseases, and Sjogren’s disease. Not looking after your mouth, gums, and teeth causes unfriendly bacteria to spread around your whole body. This can lead to gastrointestinal disease. Imbalanced oral bacteria negatively affect your gut microbiome, possibly even the health of your immune defence.

Diseases caused by bad Oral Health

Alzheimer’s disease can also be linked to poor oral health. Research found that gingivitis bacteria, may be linked to an increased risk for Alzheimer’s. Gingivitis bacteria produces gingipains. This appears to correlate with the elevated brain levels of tau and ubiquitin, which are often found in Alzheimer’s patients. Preventing the spread of gingipains has shown to have an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effect.

Gum disease can lead to developing cardiovascular disease more easily also. Oral bacteria can lead to endocarditis. This is from bacteria entering the blood and settling in parts of the heart or blood vessels. Also, bacteria in your mouth can eventually end up in your lungs leading to health problems like pneumonia.

How diet affects your teeth

If you eat a diet high in processed, sugary foods it can cause you significant oral health problems. This type of food is highly likely to leave behind substances that cause tooth decay and cavities. It can be made worse if you don’t practice good oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing. Soft drink and other drinks that are high in sugar can be very damaging as they bath your teeth in sugar.

If you want healthy teeth and a good immune system it is important to include plenty of plant sources of calcium and phosphorus to your diet. These are important minerals for tooth strength.

Foods to help keep your teeth healthy

Plant based sources include: tofu, unsweetened plant milks, leafy greens, almonds, beans and lentils, sunflower seeds and whole grains, such as quinoa. There are some fruits that should be eaten minimally in order to have healthy teeth and one of these is citrus. The reason is because citrus can wear down the tooth’s enamel and lead to removing some of the minerals from the tooth. This makes your teeth weak. When your teeth are weakened, it can lead to cavities and decay. It is not recommended to avoid citrus fruit altogether though as they are high in Vitamin C – an essential vitamin. Just be aware to rinse or brush your teeth after your meals as the dentist would tell you and your teeth should be fine.

Remember to visit your dentist every six months for a check-up. If you are having issues with your teeth and immunity give us a call as we can help you with tips for a healthy diet to assist your whole body’s healing.

Wednesday 29 March 2023

Pre Diabetic? – No, we can help you overcome that despite test results

Some people may find that they have higher than usual blood sugar levels. Typically, we associate this as being diabetes. However, for some people they don’t meet the threshold for a diabetes diagnosis. This is called pre-diabetes. This condition often has no symptoms but is still serious. Pre-diabetes means you are at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes, heart attacks and strokes. Many people don’t know they have pre-diabetes as there are normally no symptoms.

Risk factors for pre-diabetes

Some of the factors that put you at risk for developing pre-diabetes include:

·         If you have had gestational diabetes or gave birth to a baby weighing over 4.08 kilo

·         If you are overweight

·         If you have a parent or sibling with Type 2 diabetes

·         If you are over 45

·         If you are not very physically active

If this is you, and you think you may have pre-diabetes you should get it checked.

Ways to help manage pre-diabetes

Once you have found that you have pre-diabetes then you need to look at changing some of your lifestyle habits. If you don’t do anything then there is a high chance it will develop into Type 2 Diabetes. Then you will also possibly get other bad health problems. There is an increased risk of kidney failure, blindness, nerve damage and limb amputation.

If you want to manage your pre-diabetic state you need a healthy, active lifestyle. Curcumin is one preventative for Type 2 diabetes. So, this is a great herb to add into your diet on a daily basis.

Curcumin helps the functioning of beta cells. These are found in the pancreas. They synthesise and secrete insulin. It can also regulate and moderate molecules and improve pancreatic glucose and insulin responses.

Vitamin D also has many health benefits. It makes for strong bones, muscles and nerves. Vitamin D helps your immune system fight bacteria and viruses. Boosting vitamin D levels can help control glucose levels.

CoQ10 is an antioxidant enzyme decreases in your body as you age. It keeps your heart healthy, assists your brain to function, lowers inflammation and lowers insulin resistance. It is found in meat, fish and nuts.

Exercise is one of the healthiest ways to maintain your whole body. A half hour fast walk a few times a week will bring you great health benefits especially in lowering your risk of Type 2 diabetes. If you reduce your physical activity you increase insulin resistance. So the level of exertion in the exercise you do is important. A combination of walking and yoga is great to have a good mix of faster and slower paced exercises to manage your glucose levels.

If you are having issues with your glucose levels give us a call as we can assist with the right healthy eating program for you balanced with exercise, weight reduction, deeper sleep and less stress.

Saturday 18 February 2023

Worst foods and drinks for dental health

Keeping your teeth healthy is vital. Your teeth are very important, you need them to eat. In order to keep your teeth healthy, you should be mindful of the foods and drinks you are eating. These can destroy your teeth.

Foods that are bad for teeth

One thing that is not good for your teeth is sugar. You probably already know how bad sugar is for you and your general health, but what you may not realise, is how bad it is for your teeth. Sugar is normally found in highly refined and processed food. These foods include things like lollies, packaged baked foods such as cakes, biscuits, etc. and soft drinks. The problem is that sugar sits on your teeth and gums. It accumulates and increases your risk for cavities and tooth decay. Snack foods also often cause you problems with your teeth. This is because certain snack foods can get stuck in your teeth. This will increase your risk of bacteria building up. These foods include popcorn, chips and pretzels. Something that you may not have thought would be bad for your teeth is dried fruit. The problem with them is due to the fact that they are sticky and can get caught in your teeth. This again causes issues with bacteria build up. If you are after a fruity snack try swapping out the dried fruit with fresh fruit instead. White bread can also cause problems with your teeth. This is because these types of breads are typically made with refined white flour. This type of flour is usually stripped of most its natural fibre and nutritional value. It is typically higher in sugar content causing stickiness on your teeth. These foods include white bread, bagels, donuts, and white pizza dough. They are also very bad for your gut and can cause a whole list of stomach problems.

Drinks that are bad for your teeth

Not only should you be thinking about the foods you’re eating but also the types of drinks that you are drinking. Alcohol is not great for your teeth. If you are a heavy drinker, you will have a higher risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Alcohol abuse is actually the second most common risk factor for oral cancer. Other drinks that can cause you problems with your teeth include acidic drinks. If you are drinking a lot of citrus juices, soft drinks, Kombucha or coffee and tea you could find you have problems with your teeth. This is because these drinks have high acidity which can wear away the enamel on your teeth and lead to discoloration. While Kombucha offers several health benefits, it is high in sugar and acidity, and may be worse than soft drink. Green tea however, is linked to fewer cavities and better periodontal health.

The only time you shouldn’t brush your teeth is straight after eating or drinking sugary or acidic foods and beverages. You should rinse your mouth with water instead. You should wait at least 30 minutes before you brush because the acid temporarily weakens the tooth enamel.

Also remember to see your dentist at least every 6 months for a check up to make sure your teeth stay strong and healthy. Remember ideally your teeth need to last your for your whole life so look after them.

Tuesday 31 January 2023

Strawberries are good for you – here’s why


Strawberries are a delicious fruit that many of us enjoy, especially when we have a sweet tooth. Not only do they taste good but they are also very good for you. Good for your heart, brain and body in general as they are rich in nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fibre. They also have a range of bioactive compounds in them including flavonoids, anthocyanins, lignans, tannins and phenolic acids. Strawberries also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and may help to prevent diseases related to oxidative stress. They can help prevent against cardiovascular diseases, obesity, metabolic syndrome, certain cancers and neurological diseases.

Heart health

Strawberries are beneficial for your heart as they have antioxidant, anti-hypertension (high blood pressure) and anti-atherosclerotic effects. They help protect low density lipoprotein from oxidation.

Strawberries effect on Obesity

Obesity can cause a range of other health problems such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease and strokes. Strawberries can help with obesity-induced inflammation. They can also, increase the amount of gut microorganisms linked to lean body weight, health and longevity.

A good source of Folate, Vitamin C and Manganese

Strawberries are one of the richest sources of folate, a B vitamin your body needs to make DNA and other genetic material. Folate is essential during pregnancy to prevent neural tube defects and also to help decrease risk of cancer in adults. It helps with depression, heart disease, stroke and neurological disorders.

Strawberries also are a source of manganese. Manganese is good for bone health, reproduction, blood clotting and the immune function. Vitamin C protects cells from damaging free radicals, makes collagen and boosts immune system function. This is another good reason to eat strawberries. You may even be able to lower your risk of lung, breast and colon cancers and cardiovascular disease. Vitamin C helps slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration and is great in helping with colds.


Anticarcinogenic, antioxidative and genoprotective properties found in strawberries are helpful in warding off cancer. They are a good source of fisetin, a flavonoid that acts as an anticarcinogenic agent. Fisetin is good for inhibiting cancer cell stages, for preventing progression in cell cycle and growth and induces apoptosis (the programmed death of cells that are beyond repair in the body).

The brain

When you eat a lot of strawberries and blueberries it may help slow the rate of cognitive decline. Fisetin in strawberries has antidepressant potential, increases serotonin and noradrenaline levels. Strawberries may also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. 

So, when you feel like eating strawberries, or any berries for that matter, don’t fight it. They taste great and are extremely beneficial to your overall health. However, when purchasing your berries organic berries are better. This is because strawberries, like many other fruits and vegetables, tend to be sprayed with pesticides in produce, and this could mean they have a high level of pesticide residues. If organic berries are not an easy option you could try growing your own. They look quite colourful and are a wonderful addition to any garden.