Friday 28 July 2023

Reheated oil and their potential health risks

Most of us enjoy eating fish and chips from time to time, and why wouldn’t we treat ourselves? But have you ever thought about how they are cooked? Depending on the type of oil used and whether it has been reheated multiple times could mean that you could be exposing yourself to high levels of toxic aldehydes. These are chemicals that are known to cause neurodegenerative disease and cancer. You also need to be mindful of the oil you use at home. There has been research that has found that some of the popular cooking oils, such as soybean and sunflower oils, tend to generate high levels of toxic aldehydes when heated and then reheated again.

Reheating oils

Some cooking oils when they are reheated go through significant degradation of their fatty acid content. When this happens to the oil it makes way for the production of toxic aldehydes. In particular 4-hydroxy-[E]-2nonenal, 4-oxo-[E]-2-decenal, and 4-oxo-[E]-2-undecenal. The last two of these were not known until a study was done on the reheating of oils. Some of these aldehydes will dissipate after being produced in cooked oil. However, many of the others do not. They then start to accumulate making the oil more unsafe for use.

Consumption of these toxins

When we consume these toxins, they will react with the proteins we produce naturally. They also react with our enzymes, and hormones. This then leads to some serious health problems. The reason for the research into the cooking oil was due to the fact that it was already known that when oil reaches frying temperature it releases aldehydes. These then pollute the atmosphere and can be inhaled by us. This is what prompted the research to find out if the toxins remain in the oils after they are heated. Which of course we now know they do.

Symptoms of aldehyde toxicity

When we ingest the aldehydes, it can enter the blood and cause damage to your membranes and possibly cause scar tissue. It may cause you to have a faster heartbeat, a headache or an upset stomach. The brain is most affected by aldehyde poisoning. It causes problems with brain activity and can cause memory issues.

So next time you want to head for your local fish and chip shop you should just be mindful that the oils they are using may be more toxic for your health than you realise. Make sure you use the right oils for cooking. Some oils are never meant to be heated. Consult your nutritionist to find a list of which you can heat and can’t and stick to it. You will be much healthier for it. Anyone wanting a list I can email you one. Please message or email me through Facebook or my website and I will return send.

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