Thursday 17 December 2020

Detoxing and Your Liver

Your liver, brain and heart are all important organs in your body. The liver is also the largest organ in the body and is located in the upper abdomen below the diaphragm, to the right of the stomach.

The liver does a number of things for your body to help keep you healthy. It helps to fight infection and disease, cleanses the blood, processes and eliminates toxins and unwanted substances from the body. The liver also helps to process digested foods and nutrients, it produces the bile that your body uses to break down fats, and helps to produce and regulate cholesterol. Your liver stores vitamin B12, copper, iron, and glycogen which is the body’s glucose storage. This is why it is very important that you make sure you are taking good care of your liver.

Taking care of your liver can be easily done by making some small changes to your diet and lifestyle.


Herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion root, artichoke and liquorice can help to protect your liver. They do this by stimulating bile flow and can also help the liver to regenerate itself. 

Eat Your Greens

Green foods such as vegetables, salad, chlorophyll, spirulina and chlorella, sea vegetables and barley grass are all good for your liver. They help eliminate toxins, reduce excess fat and fluid, help balance acid/alkaline levels and strengthen the immune system. Always try to buy organic fruits and vegetables to keep your toxin levels low – free from poisons, insecticides, hormones and antibiotics which will build up and stop the liver functioning properly.

Flush Your Liver and Drink Plenty of Water

Flushing your liver removes toxins, cholesterol build up and gallstones, while freeing the way for bile flow. To flush the liver, drink a mixture of olive oil, Epsom salts and grapefruit juice before bed. Another way to help remove toxins is to drink lots of water - two litres of filtered water a day. Small and frequent sips are best. It is recommended to avoid a lot of water with meals as this may cause the gastric juices in the stomach to dilute making your digestion slower and increasing the load on the liver.


Residues of drugs and medications build up in the liver and cause toxicity. It is good to give your liver a break from medications such as painkillers, anti-inflammatory, antibiotics, HRT and the pill however never do this without the consent of your doctor and consult with your natural practitioner also.


The liver is responsible for metabolising alcohol which, if you drink too much, can cause cellular malformations, scarring and inflammation. These affect your liver function. Caffeine can also cause the body to release glycogen stores into the blood which slows the organs ability to cleanse the blood. On the other hand coffee enemas have been proven to be good as a detoxifier as it relaxes the muscles of the small intestine and anus helping to dilate the bile ducts and blood vessels.


Sleep helps by releasing melatonin into the body which shares the body’s toxic load with the liver and helps neutralise free radicals and regenerates the body.

If you need to do a liver detox because you feel toxic and bloated why not give us a call? Never do a liver detox til you have done a bowel detox as it will create a toxic cycle if you do it the wrong way round. We are open again shortly after the New Year and can make a detox plan just for you and your lifestyle. In our clinic or online.

Sunday 29 November 2020

Sex and your health


Male sexual health is often overlooked when it comes to promoting sexual vitality and vigour. Research shows the nutrition can benefit women and their sexual health but you may not realise that the same research can often be applied to male sexual health also. There are many herbs that can support prostate health and sex drive as listed below.

Pygeum Bark

Studies have shown that some compounds found within the Pygeum tree can assist to encourage a normal-sized prostate. If you have an enlarged prostate it could be a symptom of benign prostate hyperplasia. Finding ways to discourage its growth will assist with proper urination. Researchers are still unsure as to how Pygeum bark works, but the studies indicate powerful benefits especially when the bark is combined with other conventional care.

Pine Bark

The pine bark tree contains a number of bioactive chemicals geared specifically toward protecting men. There is research that has shown pine bark to be effective for supporting the prostate when there are cancer cells present. Pine bark can also be helpful for improving sperm quality and quantity and extracts of pine bark may help the erectile response, however more research is needed even though these findings are promising.


Turmeric is a common spice used in Indian cuisine and has been extensively researched. It is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds and also beneficial for prostate health. This is because it may be able to sooth muscles and tissues helping to ease pain and swelling. Turmeric may also help to improve urinary ease and frequency if you are suffering with prostate issues.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of nutritive components that have been positively linked to prostate health. These compounds include Zinc, potassium, and iron which are essential for men’s health. The nutrients and the antioxidants that are found in pumpkin seeds may provide considerable support for the prostate and also help with improving urine flow in men with benign prostate hyperplasia.

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto has been used for ages to help support urinary and reproductive health. It is effective for inhibiting a specific enzyme called 5-alpha reductase which is associated with prostate enlargement. This plant may also be beneficial when it comes to testosterone levels and preventing the hormone’s conversion to dihydrotestosterone, an androgen responsible for male pattern baldness and benign prostate hyperplasia.


Smartweed is high in antioxidants which are important for protecting the prostate, and helps with the reduction of swelling.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging Nettle may support proper urinary function while helping with the reduction of prostate size. It also inhibits the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone.

It is important to speak to your natural therapist or herbalist about these substances. Do not just walk into a health food store and buy these. Also do not Google or self-diagnose. It takes many years of study to find which herbal mix is right for you so go to an expert and let them decide. After all you wouldn’t ask your three year old to fix your expensive car, would you?

Saturday 17 October 2020

Healing Depression with music

Music is a part of our everyday life. Many people listen to music while working, cleaning, exercising, and driving. Listening to music often changes your mood. If your feel down, listening to music can help lift your mood. There have been studies done that show that music can be used in combination with psychological therapies to help lower stress levels, blood pressure, anxiety and depression. It can also help with pain and fatigue.

Helping with coronary heart disease

Studies have shown that listening to music can ease anxiety in a person who has coronary heart disease especially if they have a myocardial infarction. The anxiety reducing effects of the music increase when you are listening to music you chose yourself rather than someone else’s choice. Music can also have a positive effect when it comes to systolic blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, quality of sleep and the levels of pain a person with coronary heart disease feels.

Music and Therapy

Studies have shown that studies done by trained music therapists offered by medical staff to clients purposely pre-recorded may be beneficial when it comes to helping you with anxiety, pain relief, fatigue, and perhaps even to increase the quality of life of cancer sufferers. However, the studies showed that this kind of music therapy only providing short-term effects for people with depression, but if it was combined with traditional treatment it actually enhanced the effects of that treatment. Music was able to decrease anxiety and improve the functioning of people who were feeling depressed. In children and adolescents, music may be effective in reducing the severity of internalising symptoms.

Impacting brain connectivity

In a study using MRI's music was found to have an impact on brain connectivity, particularly in the part of the brain that is involved in internally focused thought, empathy and self-awareness. When you are listening to music you dislike the brain circuit known as the default mode connects poorly however the more you like the music the greater the connectivity. Music will help you to reduce your stress levels, lower your heart rate and blood pressure, and reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Relaxing music can enhance your meditation and relaxation techniques and assist with your anti-anxiety supplements or medication as well as assist your body with inflammation as the positive psychological affect reflects physically into the body.

If you find that you are feeling down and need a mood booster try listening to some of your favourites which will lift your spirits. If however this does not help have a word to your health care practitioner who will give you some tips to relax more and overcome those negative feelings. A good natural practitioner can teach you to meditate, relax and alter your perspective. There are many techniques to do this. Call our clinic to see how we can help you today.

Image thanks to Samantha Hurley - Burst

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Thyroid issues and effects it has on fertility

Sometimes if you have been trying to fall pregnant and have been unsuccessful for more than six months, it may be worth getting your thyroid checked. Optimal thyroid function is crucial for both men and women when it comes to fertility.

Why is it so crucial?

The thyroid is the gland in the body that controls your metabolism. Your metabolism is what breaks down food and converts it into energy to be used in the body. The metabolism also controls the brain and digestive system, your blood pressure and how fast your heart beats. Every cell in the body needs the thyroid hormone to function.

(Photo Thanks Andrew Apperley - Burst)

What causes thyroid imbalances?

There are some prescription medications, such as those that are taken to lower cholesterol, and steroids that can block the thyroids function. Also, if there is a low level of the mineral iodine in your body, this can throw off the thyroid function as it is essential in producing the thyroid hormone.


Symptoms can include but are not limited to:

·         Skipped or irregular periods

·         Clotting and heavy bleeding

·         Unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight

·         Fatigue 

Around 25% of women who have been previously diagnosed with unexplained infertility may have Hypothyroidism which is when there is low Thyroid hormone synthesis. Hypothyroidism may reduce the levels of Luteinising hormone and Follicle Stimulating Hormone. These hormones are essential for the maturation of egg follicles as well as your ovaries.

The most important female hormones are Oestrogen and Progesterone which need to be in balance for optimal fertility. If Progesterone levels fall, Oestrogen levels rise and this then creates an imbalance which causes Oestrogen dominance. With oestrogen dominance the liver begins to produce what is called TBG or Thyroid Binding Globulin this then prevents Thyroid hormone from being used properly in your cells causing low thyroid function. 

Testing your thyroid

Sometimes when you are sent for a blood test it can be misleading. Blood tests which only measure the amount of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) are basically incomplete and may been interpreted as normal by your GP. You need to be tested for your levels of T4 and T3 as well to get the complete picture of what is happening.

If you don’t have enough T4 and T3, the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone result will be high, but your Thyroid Stimulating Hormone level will be low if you have an excess of T4 and T3. There is also the fact that the amount of hormone actually being assimilated into each of your cells can be abnormal due to the presence of Thyroid Binding Globulin. This means that you may not be converting the inactive T4 into the active T3.

A thorough Thyroid Function Test should be checking your levels of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, T4, T3, reverse T3 and autoantibodies, which are an autoimmune disease indicator.

If these tests are not done properly and you are suffering from Oestrogen dominance you may be told that everything looks normal when is reality an under functioning Thyroid can have a significant impact on your ability to conceive.

Consult with your naturopath as well as doctor to get the right tests done. This clinic specialises in assisting people with fertility and hormonal issues. Give us a call to see how we can help.

Thursday 27 August 2020

How’s your memory?

Have you ever walked into the room and forgotten why you went in there, or forgot where you left your keys? Most likely this has happened to you from time to time as there are times when we all forget things especially when times are busy or we are in a rush. This can be completely normal but at the same time very frustrating.

Research has shown that genetics play a role in memory loss, particularly when it involves conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, but your diet and lifestyle can also have a big impact on your memory. The good news is there are some natural ways to give your memory a boost.

(pic thanks to Samantha Hurley - Burst)

How did this happen?

There are some changes you can make to your daily diet to help improve your memory. Firstly, you should eat less sugar as too much sugar has been linked to memory loss. A diet high in sugar has been shown to reduce brain volume in the area that stores short-term memory leading to cognitive loss. Cutting back on your sugar will help to make your memory a bit sharper.  

Do you crave carbohydrates? Pasta? Pizza? Potato? Cakes? Cookies and white bread? It has been shown that eating large amounts of refined carbohydrates like these also impact on your memory. This is because these foods have a high glycaemic index, namely convert straight into sugar in your body and are digested quickly causing a spike in blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that refined carbohydrates are linked to dementia and cognitive decline. On the other hand foods that have anti-inflammatory effects are rich in antioxidants and may help to improve your memory.

Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to a reduction in cognitive function. So, make sure your vitamin D levels are high enough. Alcohol in large quantities can be bad for your health in many ways and can also negatively impact your memory. Binge drinking is a pattern of drinking that raises your blood alcohol levels to 0.08 grams per ml or above. Studies have shown it alters the brain and results in bad memory.

Obesity is also linked as a high-risk factor for cognitive decline. Being obese can actually cause changes to memory-associated genes in the brain, negatively affecting your memory.

What to use

Curcumin is good for helping to improve your memory. Curcumin has been known to reduce oxidative damage and inflammation in the brain and also lower the quantity of amyloid plaques. These gather on neurons and cause cell and tissue death. This may also cause memory loss.

Cocoa is not only delicious but also nutritious. It may help stimulate the growth of blood vessels and neurons and increase blood flow in parts of the brain involved with memory.

Fish oil is a great supplement to take if you are looking to improve your memory. Fish oil is rich in the omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. These fats are important for overall health and have been shown to slow mental decline.

There are also many other herbs and supplements that can help your memory improve – like Brahmi tea. Brahmi tea has a full rich flavour and is a nice warming cuppa on any day.

Aside from that there are games you can play which will keep your mind mentally active. Also make sure you get enough sleep and try some meditation and mindfulness practice. Learning to meditate and focus your mind will improve your concentration and in turn your memory.

All this of course will lower your stress and frustration levels but it is not an easy task to do on your own. Seek out a trusted natural holistic therapist that can help you put your mind and body in tune with each other, bring about more harmony, assist you in gaining more peace of mind and you will soon find your memory begins to improve. Even if you can’t repair all the cells any repair is better than none.

Give us a call if we can assist you with your stress levels, memory improvement, lessening your fatigue and if you need more balance and peacefulness in your life.

Thursday 16 July 2020

Lowering cholesterol

Whilst we need cholesterol to build healthy cells high cholesterol is not good for your health. High cholesterol can lead to fatty deposits in the blood vessels which grow and make it difficult for enough blood to flow through the arteries causing health issues. Everything from Alzheimer’s, cancer, dementia to heart disease. Thankfully dietary changes help reduce your cholesterol and risk of these health problems.
Foods to help lower cholesterol
These include plant-based foods and proteins such as beans, lentils, fruits such as oranges, apples, berries, oats, and foods that contain sterols such as nuts. The nuts need to be raw and unsalted and the best are hazelnuts, macadamia, pine, walnuts, brazil nuts and cashews.
Plant based protein
Protein foods are not just meat as there are many plant foods that contain protein. These plant-based proteins are great for lowering cholesterol. They include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Other great sources come from coconuts, avocados, quinoa, tofu, miso, tempe and even dairy alternatives of coconut milk, hemp seed milk and almond milk.
Plant sterols
These are substances found in nuts, beans, grains, fruit and vegetables that are like cholesterol. By eating more plant sterols you can reduce health problems. Plant sterols are found in pistachio nuts, macadamia nuts, almond butter, olive oil, wheat germ oil, sesame seeds, sage, thyme, paprika and oregano.
There are two types of fibre soluble and insoluble. Insoluble goes through the digestive system undigested and helps keep it moving. Soluble fibre in the stomach forms a gel when it mixes with liquids and this helps to reduce cholesterol levels. Some sources of soluble fibre are nuts, legumes, seeds, whole grains, fruit and vegetables. The best sources though are brussel sprouts, oats, broccoli, pears, carrots, avocado, sweet potato and black beans.
If you find your cholesterol levels are creeping up try changing your diet to include some of these foods and you may find that the cholesterol levels start to reduce in turn reducing your health risks.

Tuesday 16 June 2020

Natural remedies for colds and flu

This winter is not just about Covid 19. Remember we are also susceptible to colds and flu. There are many recipes for helping with symptoms. Our energy levels and alignment also affects the types of illnesses we attract. Every part of your body aligns with you psychologically, emotionally, spiritually and energetically.

There are many cold and flu remedies but here are a few I have found tried and true after the years.

Cold and flu remedies

Remedy 1
Add the juice of a whole lemon & warm water with one teaspoon a day of this remedy. It can be taken in the morning and is great for a sore throat. It is also disinfectant so it will kill off microbes.

Add some fresh Ginger to fresh Turmeric
Mix in some fresh Garlic, Lemon, thyme, black peppercorns with some natural honey.

Finely grate the Ginger, Turmeric, Garlic & the lemon rind in a bowl.
Gently remove all the sprigs of leaves off the thyme and add them in the bowl.
In a mortar & pestle crush the Black Peppercorns or use pre cracked pepper if it’s easier. Add the Pepper to the bowl.
Next add honey and stir.
Store it in a cool, dark place.

Remedy 2
Take a Spanish onion and cut in half
Grate the onion or cut into small pieces
Add a teaspoon or two of natural honey
Mix these together well
Eat this mixture for a sore throat
It has a tang to it but your sore throat should soon disappear unless it is caused by an underlying infection which will need attention.

Remedy 3
This is an old energetic remedy to increase your energy levels and wellbeing.
Place a glass of water in the sun. Can be through a sunlit window.
The water must be pure filtered water
If you have a sore throat it needs to be in a blue coloured glass or wrap some see through blue cellophane paper around the glass so the sun can go through the blue colour and affect the water.
If you have a temperature you also need a blue coloured glass.
Blue energy is the colour of the throat chakra and blue brings down fevers.
Drink Pranic energised water all day either in blue or ordinary sunlight filtered glasses to detox your energy.

Supplements for cold and flu
Echinacea, olive leaf, sage tea, fenugreek tea, Vitamin C, Vitamin B. Remember to take a multi-vitamin daily and in these times of Covid 19 a good dose of Olive leaf daily as well and some Vitamin C. Nothing compensates for good immunity.

If you need help with colds and flu remedies or aches and pains we also specialise in Bach remedies, Shell essences and aromatherapy oils. We do online sessions so you can give us a call to book a time.

Sunday 10 May 2020

Mental health assistance and the impact of nature
Mental health issues have been on the increase in our current social isolation environment. The whole act of distancing and staying indoors has made people that feel depressed and isolated even more so. City life is often great for work life and social life under normal circumstances but this may not always be good for your mental health either as it creates mental chatter for some. City life may mean being close to shops, schools, public transport and restaurants under usual circumstances but it also means there is a lot of noise, limited space and more air pollution. Nature also has its limits in these areas and the lack of greenery can mentally affect us. 

Most urban environments make room for some parks, grass areas, trees known as green areas and the landscape is often interspersed with ocean or lakes, and rivers known as blue spaces. It is known that urban environments with green and blue areas have less depression, stress and anxiety.  

Even though there is an association of better mental health around these blue and green spaces there are other specifics that need to be considered for mental health. Some of these include how many of these spaces are needed, how big they should be, are they spaced around so that you can access these areas easily no matter where you are and how much time should we spend in these environments.

Ways in which they improve mental health
There are different ways in which green and blue environments, namely those of nature, help to improve mental health. These areas tend to be healthier all round as it has been found they are cooler, less polluted and are quieter, they allow you the space needed to exercise freely in the outdoors with plenty of space, they provide a quiet place to meet socially and even just seeing this type of environment can help improve your health.
Being in and around nature has been linked to people reducing their stress. Stressing too much causes an excess in the hormone cortisol which is linked to people being in a bad mood. Nature can also be good for the immune system which is why advice in these times of Covid 19 to do some outdoor exercise daily is good advice. It will lift your spirits, increase your oxygen intake and help get you in shape.

If you are struggling with mental health
If you find that you are becoming increasingly stressed, anxious or are in a low mood, you should try to increase your time out in nature, go for a walk in the park, watch the wind blow the leaves on the trees and listen to the birds and other animals around. Although this isn’t a cure for your aches, pains and worries it is a small step towards relaxation and may help calm your mood and lift your spirits. Add to this some natural supplements to boost your immunity, meditation and yoga, perhaps writing your thoughts into a journal and exercising with a friend and some of that negativity will be released. If you find you are struggling with emotional difficulties or are unable to find a release from the negative moods, please seek help and speak with a counselor or therapist who will steer you in the right direction to help alleviate your issues.

Pic - Angelique Downing - Burst  

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Sleep better - naturally

Sleep may be one of the things affected in these hard time of shutdown and constantly hearing about Corona virus on the news. The whole world is in a bit of turmoil. Is it any wonder your sleep patterns are disrupted? However it is important to get a good, restful night’s sleep to function properly next day. Lack of sleep will affect your focus and concentration and eventually your health. If you are someone that struggles to get to sleep, stay asleep or are restless at night there are many things you can do to help yourself.

Turn off what would keep you awake

Firstly blue light that comes from our TV, computers, phones and tablets causes sleep issues as it can reduce the melatonin production, which is the hormone that promotes deep sleep. So these things make it hard to fall asleep. Turning off these devices at least two hours before bed can help you to get a more restful night’s sleep. If you find that this is just not practical as you are overloaded with work you can try using some essential oils that will help to relax your mind and body.

Things to remember when using oils

Remember all oils should be mixed in a carrier oil if applied to the skin but if you are using a burner you put them in water. Also no carrier oil is needed for diffusers. Less is always best in the burner so just a drop or two is enough. Similar for a bath – 3 to 4 drops of each oil you want to use (depending on the size of the bath).

What oils do I use

Sandalwood is one that can help. By placing a drop under your nose and on your forehead between your eyebrows, where your 6th energy centre is (chakra) it corresponds with your psychological skills and mental abilities. So use it to help you relax. Also the pleasant smell of some of these oils helps as it’s something pampering before you go to bed.

Some other oils that can be helpful include Lavender which is a well-known calming oil and you can put a drop under your nose, on your big toes, or a drop on either side of the pillow (this is good for the elderly or children). If you have a diffuser a few drops is good to let it fill the room and the droplets in the air will help you to relax. Cedarwood is another good oil you can use with Lavender. You can rub both these oils on you if they are blended with a carrier oil and you only need a little.

Valerian is one of the major sleep assistance oils but it must be applied just before bed because if you put it on too early it may lose affect. RutaVaLA is a combination oil. It consists of Ruta, Valerian and lavender, it is a stronger blend than using the oils on their own. Roman Chamomile is a great oil for both adults and children as it is gentle.

If you have a diffuser you can set it to also use ‘Awaken’ oil just before you need to wake up or you can add it to your sleep oil but in smaller quantities to ensure you not only have a great night’s sleep but also wake up feeling refreshed and relaxed. However, when using awaken you should be careful as it is photosensitive meaning it must be in a carrier oil and you can be affected if you go out in the sun after applying it. Obviously if it’s in a burner once again you don’t need a carrier oil. Keep it away from the face.

So next time you are having trouble sleeping make sure you have a supply of these oils which you can obtain from myself or on the net if you know what you are buying. Always make sure your oils are pure and high grade as the cheap ones have chemicals in them and your body is simply becoming toxic if you use those. It’s good to have a few different oils as you feel differently on different days. If you use the same oil the effects may be less on a day you feel differently. Alternatively call me and I can make a special oil just for you, mixed according to sleep issues you have, and post it out to you. 

Thursday 26 March 2020

Vitamin D – the energy and immunity booster
Many people find that they are lacking in some sort of vitamin from time to time but vitamin D is the most common vitamin deficiency and many don’t realise this. Vitamin D promotes healthy bones and bone strength as well as supports mental health. 
Vitamin D dissolves in fat and can be stored in the body for a long time. The body uses it like a hormone and produces it using cholesterol but if we are not getting enough sunlight this causes a deficiency. If you spend a lot of time working in an office, go to work before sun up and come home after sundown, spend the weekend crashed indoors or doing housework or live in a place that has a colder climate you may require a vitamin D supplement as your levels are too low.
There are a few different types of supplements available that you can use to bring your vitamin D levels back to normal. The two main types though are vitamin D3 which is found in animals such as fish and also in egg yolks. The second is vitamin D2, this is found in plants such as mushrooms. The body can convert both of these into calcitriol when exposed to the sun. If you don’t get enough sun though it can cause you a lot of issues.
These supplements are available in three different forms - capsules, chewable tablets or emulsified oil drops. Some studies have found though that the oil drops have an insufficient level of vitamin D.  Other research has found that the human body prefers the D3 vitamin over the vitamin D2. They found that the body will use up all the D3 before it will use the D2 showing that D3 supplements are more effective.
Why is it important
Do you get tired during the day? Do you wake up tired? Do you fall asleep in front of the TV after a day’s work? Even after a holiday are you still a bit washed out? It’s possible you have a vitamin D deficiency especially if you do not spend at least 15 minutes a day in the sun in the middle of the day? If you need an energy boost try taking a bottle of this and see how your energy levels improve each day. If they do then you are certainly D deficient even without the blood test. Vitamin D also raises your immunity so it’s a great vitamin to make sure you have enough of on a daily basis.
Things to think about
Before taking any vitamin D supplement you should take into consideration the following points:
·      Vitamin D and calcium supplements work well together when taken together and may have extra health benefits when it comes to blood pressure. Also, vitamin K2 can complement vitamin D when taken together, having health benefits when it comes to bone and heart issues.
·      If you suffer from health conditions such as multiple sclerosis a vitamin D supplement is not enough. You also need to spend time in the sun.
·      When taking some steroid medications, weight loss drugs and certain cholesterol-lowering drugs, you may find that these will stop the vitamin D supplements from being absorbed into the body properly.
·      Remember that vitamin D supplements should be taken daily with meals or food that contain fat to be effective.
When choosing your supplements it makes more sense to opt for the D3 supplement as this is the one that the body favours. The recommended dose is 1,000‑2,000iu (International Units) per day, but you should always check with your natural therapist who is specifically trained in this area to make sure what the right dosage is for you.

Monday 10 February 2020

Indigestion – how to handle it

What exactly is indigestion?
Indigestion is a condition a lot of people suffer from and can cause a burning sensation in your stomach or upper abdomen, an acidic taste in your mouth, nausea or vomiting, diarrhoea or constipation. Indigestion can be painful and very uncomfortable. It is not dangerous but it affects your quality of life. Indigestion is not the same as heartburn or acid reflux, which causes a burning feeling in your chest caused by stomach acid entering the oesophagus. Both these conditions however, usually happen at the same time.

Remedies to assist
Indigestion can usually be managed by changing your diet. Some of the main causes of indigestion are smoking, caffeinated drinks, excessive alcohol, fast food, acidic foods and fried, fatty, and spicy foods. Also, certain medications may cause issues. Eating slowly may help prevent the indigestion and apple cider vinegar, digestive enzymes, probiotics, licorice root and ginger can help provide relief.

Is it something else?
Sometimes people who suffer indigestion symptoms are actually suffering something else, and have an underlying condition. Some of the conditions these could be are IBS/IBD, gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcers, gallbladder issues or gallstones, coeliac disease, gastritis or anxiety and depression. This is why it is important to see a healthcare professional if you have had indigestion for more that 2 weeks or if you are in severe pain. If your indigestion also comes with unplanned weight loss, vomiting blood, extreme fatigue, black stools or if you are having trouble swallowing, these are all causes for concern and you should seek medical advice. If your indigestion includes shortness of breath, sweating, or chest pain that spreads to your arm, neck, or jaw go to emergency at a hospital.

Supplements and foods to help
To help avoid indigestion eat slowly, eat a healthy well balanced diet, wait two or three hours before lying down, don’t exercise straight after eating and reduce stress by meditating or doing yoga. There are some natural remedies which you can use for your indigestion. These include apple cider vinegar. Place a tablespoon in half a glass of water before or after your meal. Chew some fresh, peeled, raw ginger root before or after your meal or you can brew it as a tea. Also taken in the same way you could try licorice root. Eating half a teaspoon of fennel seeds after meals is also helpful. Place the seeds in boiling water, strain it and drink as a tea. You could also try black cumin seeds using the same methods. Peppermint oil is also good for indigestion as it helps relax the stomach muscles and it helps fight harmful bacteria. You can take this as a supplement or apply it to the skin as long as it’s blended with a carrier oil. However, be careful because if you have gastroesophageal reflux disease peppermint could worsen your symptoms.

Digestive enzymes can help with indigestion as they break down dietary fibre, protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Sometimes our body doesn’t make enough which then results in indigestion issues. Probiotics support digestive health. Supplementing your diet with probiotics can help restore balance in the stomach. Baking soda is a popular indigestion remedy because it quickly neutralises excess stomach acid and re-balances the body’s pH. Just mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water after a meal. Be sure to wait at least a couple of hours after taking medication before taking the baking soda. If you are having issues with indigestion or maybe something worse happening with your digestion give us a call to see how we can help 0414680713.

Wednesday 15 January 2020

Knee replacements – are they worth it?
Knee replacements are often recommended for people suffering with osteoarthritis, joint disease or serious injuries from earlier in life. Knee issues can cause excruciating pain so often specialists recommend a replacement as a way to free up the patient from continually popping the pain killers.
Symptoms of arthritis, or a serious injury in the knee are swelling, pain, and deformity of the knee. This can seriously affect your quality of life and cause some restrictions on you day to day activities. It can cause problems doing tasks such as getting in and out of the car, climbing up the stairs, and sitting or walking for extended periods of time leading to frustration but not necessarily surgery.
There are other treatments that can be tried before resorting to surgery. Some of these treatments include physiotherapy, pain medications and anti-inflammatories, also weight loss helps as the risk of osteoarthritis is twice as high if you’re overweight.

The operation

If you do require surgery, the good news is that the replacements have continued to improve over the years. Not only in how they are made but also the way they are inserted into the knee which decreases the recovery time. The metal and plastic bits, the way they are fixed to the bone, the techniques used, the technology to put them in and even rehab afterwards has improved over the years. However if you can delay surgery for as long as possible that one expense and inconvenience will last you the rest of your life also saving you future pain.
The knee replacement procedure is done by making small cuts into the leg, allowing the surgeon to then either replace the whole knee with prostheses or only part of the knee. The procedure is performed under a general or local anaesthetic.
Recovery from the operation can vary from person to person but can take anything from 6 weeks before you are feeling up to being up and about to 12months. Medication will be given to keep pain at a manageable level, and your pain should decrease in the first few days after surgery. Many doctors get patients up within 4–6 hours after the operation and within 3 or 4 days they can usually go home.
Other options
If you are feeling hesitant about having knee surgery why not try some natural options first? Reducing your inflammation with the help of a naturopath at our clinic, correct diet and supplements, losing weight, reiki or other energy healing and exercise. Quite often these can help you avoid an operation. Give us a call to find out how we can help.