Tuesday 16 June 2020

Natural remedies for colds and flu

This winter is not just about Covid 19. Remember we are also susceptible to colds and flu. There are many recipes for helping with symptoms. Our energy levels and alignment also affects the types of illnesses we attract. Every part of your body aligns with you psychologically, emotionally, spiritually and energetically.

There are many cold and flu remedies but here are a few I have found tried and true after the years.

Cold and flu remedies

Remedy 1
Add the juice of a whole lemon & warm water with one teaspoon a day of this remedy. It can be taken in the morning and is great for a sore throat. It is also disinfectant so it will kill off microbes.

Add some fresh Ginger to fresh Turmeric
Mix in some fresh Garlic, Lemon, thyme, black peppercorns with some natural honey.

Finely grate the Ginger, Turmeric, Garlic & the lemon rind in a bowl.
Gently remove all the sprigs of leaves off the thyme and add them in the bowl.
In a mortar & pestle crush the Black Peppercorns or use pre cracked pepper if it’s easier. Add the Pepper to the bowl.
Next add honey and stir.
Store it in a cool, dark place.

Remedy 2
Take a Spanish onion and cut in half
Grate the onion or cut into small pieces
Add a teaspoon or two of natural honey
Mix these together well
Eat this mixture for a sore throat
It has a tang to it but your sore throat should soon disappear unless it is caused by an underlying infection which will need attention.

Remedy 3
This is an old energetic remedy to increase your energy levels and wellbeing.
Place a glass of water in the sun. Can be through a sunlit window.
The water must be pure filtered water
If you have a sore throat it needs to be in a blue coloured glass or wrap some see through blue cellophane paper around the glass so the sun can go through the blue colour and affect the water.
If you have a temperature you also need a blue coloured glass.
Blue energy is the colour of the throat chakra and blue brings down fevers.
Drink Pranic energised water all day either in blue or ordinary sunlight filtered glasses to detox your energy.

Supplements for cold and flu
Echinacea, olive leaf, sage tea, fenugreek tea, Vitamin C, Vitamin B. Remember to take a multi-vitamin daily and in these times of Covid 19 a good dose of Olive leaf daily as well and some Vitamin C. Nothing compensates for good immunity.

If you need help with colds and flu remedies or aches and pains we also specialise in Bach remedies, Shell essences and aromatherapy oils. We do online sessions so you can give us a call to book a time.

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