Friday 26 November 2021

How to Detox from technology

These days we rely on our technology a lot. Everything from reading e-mails, to school homework, to scrolling through social media, to watching our favourite show on Netflix. Technology is used every day: at work, school, and in our homes. It has become such a big part of our lives that sometimes we don’t realise just how much we use it. Sometimes we can spend more time on our devices than with the people that are around us, which is why it is a good idea to give yourself a technological detox.  

A good way to get started is to take a break from it while you eat. While you sit down to eat your lunch or for dinner, put away all the devices and concentrate on spending the time with your family, colleagues or even to just sit quietly and relax and concentrate on what is happening around you and on your food. Chew your food slowly as that is the first stage of digestion. Once this has become a habit then you can try giving a whole day technology detox a try, or perhaps a whole weekend. It will bring a new restful dimension into your life.

It is also good to take precautions to make your home EMF-free. First be sure to take care that your bed is located as far away as possible from SMART meters and turn off your Wi-Fi routers before you go to bed so that EMFs don’t disturb the quality sleep you need to detox and heal.

Things to try while detoxing

Before starting your detox, you can write down how you are feeling - are your stressed? Are you sleeping properly? Are you spending all your time looking at a screen instead of interacting with those around you? Once you are finished your detox, whether it be the weekday or weekend, once again write down how you are feeling. You may notice that you spent more time doing things with loved ones, you may be feeling more relaxed, and you may have even slept better.

There are many things you can do while you are having your technology detox. You can read a book, go for a walk, or try some craft or artwork. You can even just sit in a coffee shop or a park and strike up a conversation.  Sometimes connecting with others is just what we need for our health. Another way to help detox and release stress is to try some deep breathing. Deep breathing can help cleanse the respiratory system and oxygenate the blood. You can also try meditation as this helps to calm your mind and release the stress. Too much stress creates inflammation and toxic build-up.

Exercise is also a good way to help detox the body because exercise gets your blood pumping and while you’re working out your muscles the liver produces an enzyme that clears out depression-causing chemicals. Stretching is also good, it not only keeps your muscles and joints flexible, and it can also help to lower inflammation.

Why not have a detox day at least once a month and let it open up new, healthier opportunities for you away from the Wi-Fi and screens? You may be surprised what unknown sides of your personality open up for you as you become healthier and more relaxed. 

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