Monday 11 October 2021

ADHD and the role of Vitamin D

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is quite common. Children with ADHD can be treated using medication but unfortunately the medication does not always do the work intended for it to do. These medications can also come with side effects and the safety of using these drugs long term is also a concern. There are studies however that are showing positive effects of Vitamin D on children with ADHD.


Vitamin D

There have been studies that show that a lack of vitamin D in children, while they are still growing mentally, can have a negative effect. This can leads to symptoms similar to what we call ADHD.


A blind parallel clinical trial that was conducted showed that in children aged between 6 and 13 who had been diagnosed with ADHD that vitamin D had a positive effect. Vitamin D increases the serum levels in children. The study was conducted by giving the children either 1000iu of vitamin D3 daily or a placebo.


Although these studies have shown positive results the Psychiatry industry still has been slow to embrace these nutritional and natural approaches to ADHD. The vitamin D supplements can improve some of the behavioural problems associated with ADHD and may also help to prevent the child’s behavioural issues or even worse symptoms. It could also possibly help to reduce impulsivity that comes with this disorder.


It is important practitioners consider the significant beneficial role of micro-nutrients such as vitamin D when finding a way to assist parents and children to control and improve ADHD symptoms through the action on the neuronal system. Also couple that with the role of genetics in the study of the causes for ADHD as well as undesirable lifestyle factors that may be contributing directly to the inattention and hyperactive symptoms.


What can we do to help reduce the symptoms of ADHD?

It is very important if your child has been diagnosed with ADHD to reduce the amount of time they spend in front of a screen, including television, IPad/Tablets, phones, computers and video gaming consoles as studies have shown that children with ADHD tend to spend two hours or more extra time in front of that screen than other children. This has an even more detrimental effect on their health. In exchange for the screen time let them play outside in the sunlight as the incidences of ADHD acting out is much lower in areas that have more sunny weather, so the sunlight can have a protective effect against the disease. The reason scientists think the sun has such a positive effect is because the sun rays increase serum levels of vitamin Dl. However, if your child receives plenty of sunlight but they are still found to be lacking in vitamin D there are absorption reasons for that and it may be necessary to introduce a D3 supplement of 1000iu per day. A supplement may be needed also if you live in an area that doesn’t have a lot of bright sunlight.

There are also many other supplements that will assist your child if they have an ADHD diagnosis. Also for ASD. This clinic specialises also in assisting you to promote natural healthy wellbeing in your child. Give a call or message us to see how we can help you.

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