Thursday 26 July 2018

Treating migraines naturally

Migraines are not just a headache. Unless you suffer from migraines you may have difficulty understanding why people need to go home from work and rest when they have them. They are not just a pain in the head. You may see flashes before your eyes, feel dizzy, vomit and all kinds of disturbing symptoms to the point where you just can’t function. Remember to keep this in mind if you have an employee tell you that they have been in bed for the last couple of days with a migraine. They are not just taking a sickie.

Migraines can range from moderate to extreme pain, cause sensitivities to noise, smell, taste and sight including causing issues with vision which means your employee definitely can’t drive. An extreme migraine can cause the sufferer to vomit, diarrhea and all this makes them impatient and irritable. Naturally with all this happening they also can’t eat. Migraines don’t give you any warning signs that they are coming like a regular headache. They come on suddenly and can last for up to three days.

There are many things that can cause a migraine and anyone can get one, however if you are between the age of 14 and 69 migraines are more common in women. They are hard to treat because they can be so different and that is why your natural therapist needs to be kept informed what is happening and if their treatment is working. Alternatively drug medication will help but it’s only a temporary fix and does not empower you to control the migraine in the future. Some things that can cause a migraine can be stress, sleep disorders and hormone fluctuations.

There are many treatments that may assist if you are a sufferer but you need to implement them as soon as possible as it is often difficult to stop a migraine once it has taken hold. The best way is to work on preventing them. If it’s too late for that then you need to manage the pain once they have started. Lifestyle changes such as meditation, massage, exercise and a healthy diet will help prevent or reduce the length and severity of a migraine. Essential oil blends have also been known to assist.

Recipes such as Eucalyptus oil, 1 drop, clary sage 2 drops, and ginger 3 drops can be used as an inhaler. This will help with nausea and congestion. However, keep in mind that clary sage should not be used in pregnancy. Peppermint and lavender are also useful - a blend of 2 drops of each. In the early stages this will sometimes stop an attack.
Often it’s a good idea to keep a mix of an oil on hand ready to inhale at even the slightest headache. Try some rosemary, lavender, clary sage and marjoram in equal mixes. Remember to check the side effects of these oils depending on other illnesses you may have as some essential oils affect blood pressure etc. As a first aide you can use some Lemon Balm on a tissue to help calm both your mind and body.

If your migraines are persistent please take some time out to consult a natural therapist who will look at your whole constitution as to what is out of balance. Some energy therapy will balance you also and by learning to tone down your stress levels, increase your immunity and balance your energy you will soon find that your migraines will diminish to help you lead a more fun-filled life.

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