Monday 25 June 2018

Mental fortitude builds focus and success

Mental veracity is an important quality for us to develop. Life has its ups and downs related to many different issues such as relationship problems, work, family issues or any other challenges that may arise. An important key to overcome these challenges is enough strength of mind to not give up until you win the fight. Often people give up on something when they are close to succeeding and they don’t even realise it.

People who succeed all seem to have certain character traits that they have developed over the years. The first of these is simply not giving up just because things are getting hard. It’s important to keep believing in yourself and use the head talk that ‘I can do it’ to keep you going. If you focus on the goal then the journey becomes easier. If at first you don’t succeed remember that you are one step closer to knowing how not to do that again. Many famous people have failed time and time again at their goals and still kept going…to succeed in the end.

So what if you are not in your comfort zone? Push yourself past it towards what you want to achieve. It might be hard and you might need to change some things in your life but it is in your power to do so. Why not try something new and to feel the discomfort that comes when you have stepped out of that comfort zone?

Being out of your comfort zone may mean you need to look at where and with whom you spend your time. Are they positive, strong people or do they wallow in self-pity and gossip which will also bring you down? Successful people surround themselves with positive people. Also watch your own negative emotions such as jealousy, fear, and envy. Do you live in the past and hold grudges? That’s a behaviour you need to perhaps give up as the negativity of it will make you more negative. Learn to let go and forgive as that will benefit you even more than the other person. It will allow you to move forward.

Another way to increase your tenacity is to keep an open mind and put in the effort to succeed. Success will not drop in your lap if you don’t implement the right strategies and do the work to attract it. You need to have solid goals in line with the dreams that you believe will bring you happiness. Remember that you are the one that sets the limiting beliefs on your life. If you allow people or situations to limit you they will. If you allow them to chain you into situations they will. If you cower down instead of stepping up to your goals and dreams you will find you feel cheated as your life goes by. So it is important to stand up for what you want and develop the mental strength to fight for it. Start out small and one step at a time and you will find after a while you will have achieved far more than you ever planned to do.

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