Tuesday 13 August 2024

Why is Meditation so good for you?

Meditation is good for you for many reasons. Meditation can have great benefits for your mind, emotional life, health and performance and spiritual life. Meditation helps you take control of your mind. You might be thinking that you are in control but often that this is not always the case. Often, your mind is in control of you.

Our mind is one of our most valuable assets. Depending on what is going on it can also affect your feels. It can make you happy or miserable, successful or broken, energetic or lifeless. Meditation can help you to know your mind, and master it. From there you have mastery over yourself. However, it is a practice that will take time.

Skills meditation can give you

There are certain skills that you can gain through meditating. These skills can help you through your day-to-day tasks and make you more productive and successful in life.

Why focus is so important

The first thing that you will notice is that you become more focused. It will help you keep your attention on the task at hand and help you ignore distractions. The length of time you can sustain your attention will increase the more you practice. This is important in all areas of your life.

Focusing will help you to be more present in daily activities, be a better listener and communicator. It will help you to not fall into the trap of multitasking. This will help you to become more time and energy efficient, it will give you a deeper enjoyment for the little things like a good meal, time with your family, and your favourite hobby.

The voice in your head

When there are competing voices in your head like the voice of fear and the voice of confidence your life becomes conflicted. Meditation will help you focus on the voice that is most empowering for you. This will let you take a step back and find better perspective on many situations. You will no longer be affected by a conflicting mind or emotions you can’t always handle. There will be a sense of clarity and serenity. Your emotions will no longer govern you and nor will your head. In time there will be a meeting of the head and heart which is referred to in so many spiritual texts where you can address your mind with much more clarity of perception.

What does it mean to pause?

Pausing is a skill associated with meditation. Most of the time we live in an unconscious, automatic way. We react to situations rather than act. This is when we become the product of our environment. When we do this, we are acting on the loudest impulse in our heads and are reproducing our past conditioning. Pausing gives you the space to prevent you from acting on anger or other destructive impulses. It helps break bad habits and find clarity about what’s really going on. In this way, it helps you make wiser decisions based on the needs of the moment, re-aligns your actions with your core values. This takes less thought and hence you worry far less.

The gift of clarity

Clarity is perhaps one of the greatest gifts meditation has to offer. In most situations after you have meditated for a number of months you will begin to have a clarity of thinking and feeling like never before. This clarity will help you make better decisions for yourself and for those around you that ask for your help – family, friends, loved ones. 

These are just a few of the gifts meditation can give you. We offer a short beginners 3 lesson course over 3 weeks to get you started. These sessions are tailored to what you need. They are not just sitting in a group wondering if you are doing it right or why others perhaps can do it and you can’t. The lessons are tailored for what you specifically need to help you to acquire the gifts of focus, pausing, being in the present moment and clarity. That’s for starters. Give us a text, call or email to find out more.

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