Sunday 18 February 2024

How do electromagnetic fields (EMFs) affect your health

You are exposed to EMFs all day long, not only in public but inside your home too. Radiation is emitted from electronics such as mobile phones, cell towers, computers, smart meters and Wi-Fi just to name a few things.

What are EMFs

EMFs are invisible energy, such as radiation, that are associated with the use of electrical power. Your mobile phones, baby monitors, Bluetooth devices, cordless phones, smart meters and Wi-Fi routers all emit EMFs in microwave doses. The microwave radiation that they emit are at levels that may damage your mitochondria in your cells of your body. Studies have shown that double and single strand DNA breaks are actually higher when exposed to non-ionizing microwave radiation than ionizing radiation. This means that these emf’s are affection the very cells that make up your body in a very bad way. The reason for this is because of the excessive oxidative stress that microwave exposure induces.

How EMFs effect your health

Negative health effects from EMFs are not usually immediately noticeable, as they develop gradually over time. Studies indicate your intracellular calcium increases with exposure to EMFs. This in turn increases nitric oxide and increases your free radicals which increases inflammation and makes your body super toxic. You can block or greatly reduce the effects of EMFs using calcium channel blockers but this is with medications commonly prescribed to patients with heart disease. Notably, it is the excess calcium in the cell and increased calcium signalling that are responsible for a vast majority of the biological effects of EMFs. when there’s excess calcium in the cell, it increases levels of both nitric oxide and superoxide. While Nitric Oxide has many beneficial health effects, excessive amounts of it react with superoxide, forming peroxynitrite, which is an extremely potent oxidant stressor. Peroxynitrites, break down to form reactive free radicals, both reactive nitrogen species and reactive oxygen species, including hydroxyl radicals, carbonate radicals and NO2 radicals, all three of which do damage to your body. Peroxynitrites also do damage. EMF radiation activates the VGCCs in the outer cell membrane, triggering a chain reaction of devastating events that causes severe cellular damage, DNA breaks, it dramatically accelerates your ageing process and puts you at higher risk for chronic disease.

They affect your whole body

EMFs can cause health problems with your brain, nervous system, retina, your testes if you are male, and can cause heart arrhythmia. If your brain is subjected to chronic EMF exposure it can cause Alzheimer’s, anxiety, and autism, which results in children from too excessive EMF exposure during pregnancy so it is important to not overuse your phones or other devices if you are pregnant. Also to take your children off these devices or time how long per day they can spend on them. Also, this can cause depression.

Watch your heart

EMFs may cause problems with your heart, especially if you are taking heart medication. The most common heart issues that have been linked to EMF exposure include atrial fibrillation / atrial flutter, bradycardia which is a slow heartbeat, cardiac arrhythmia, heart palpitations and tachycardia which is a fast heartbeat.

EMFs can also affect reproduction in men, EMF exposure can increase your risk of infertility, especially if you routinely carry your mobile phone in a pants pocket near your groin or use your laptop on your lap. If you are a woman, your risk of breast cancer is higher if you regularly carry your mobile phone in your bra. Generally, the most common location for breast cancer is the upper, outer quadrant.

The good news

The good news is that there are many remedies now days for EMF exposure. Everything from protective wall paint to devices that plug in and alleviate the emf affect on your body. There are insoles for your shoes, devices to plug into your car and pendants to wear round your neck. There are also grounding pads and special mattresses and the list goes on. This clinic can help you with some of these devices and to introduce you to the devices correct for you. Alternatively, we can put you in touch with people who can do an inspection of your home. Give us a call or email to see how we can assist if you feel your physical health symptoms are inexplicable and want to find out why you just plain don’t feel well despite all the tests coming up zero.

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