Sunday 18 April 2021

Spices and their health benefits – Part II

Further to last month’s article here are some more benefits of some vegetables, herbs and spices which you can add to your weekly foods to enhance your health. We all get a little unwell from time to time and need something to give us that extra boost to help our bodies heal. By adding certain spices and foods to your diet you can do this in a more natural way.

Here are a few suggestions:


Asparagus can help with health issues such as kidney problems. It can also help to dissolves uric acid deposits and promote urination so you lose excess fluid that may bloat you. All you need to do is boil it in water and drink. 


Celery is a great sedative and is good for helping to clean your kidneys when you use the celery seeds in a tea. The seeds and stalk of the celery can also help to reduce hypertension.

Chamomile flowers

Chamomile flowers are great for children if they have a fever and are restless.


Cinnamon is good for you if you are suffering from health issues such as general indigestion, athletes’ foot, dysentery, diarrhea and yeast infections. Cinnamon is also good for colds and may help to reduce cancer causing tendencies of many food additives. There are a few ways to prepare cinnamon for these different issues. You can grind it up or drink with milk after eating a heavy meal. Simmer cinnamon sticks with cloves for 3 min and add 2 tsp. of lemon juice, honey, and whiskey. This is great for a cold. You can use for athlete’s foot by boiling 8-10 sticks in 4 cups water, simmer for 5 minutes and steep for 45.


Cloves are good for toothaches and sore gums, nausea and vomiting, pain relief of arthritis and to get rid of cravings for alcohol. You can chew it for toothaches, use in an oil for pain relief or drink in small amounts as a tea for nausea. If you are trying to control alcohol cravings you should suck on one or two cloves whenever a craving strikes.


Peppermint is good for migraines, nervousness, stomach disorders, heartburn, abdominal cramps, stomach aches, and herpes. For herpes you should take 2 cups of tea a day. This will help to ease the symptoms when the virus is active.

All these spices, foods and herbs can assist you naturally for a number of health issues. Refer to our first article for the rest of the list if you missed it. Always consult your health care practitioner to make sure you are using exactly what’s right for you.

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