Friday 28 September 2018

Vitamin P and Cancer

Vitamin P is not actually a vitamin. It is the name given to a group of super-healing plant substances discovered in the 1930’s known as flavonoids or bioflavonoids which have nutritional health benefits. These substances provide pigmentation to plants and enhance their flavour and smell. There is known now to be between 4000 and 6000 different types and research is being done continually to discover more about them. In plants they protect against fungi, pests and bacteria.

Flavonoids are full of nutritional benefits as they help with the function of most cells and organs. Some flavonoids that you may be familiar with are Quercetin, Luteolin, Curcumin and Rutin. Each of the different types of flavonoids play a different role in the human body but two of the most important benefits they supply are with the absorption of Vitamin C and they also help with the maintenance of bones and teeth, as well as the production of protein collagen. They are powerful antioxidants and they are used for preventing and reversing oxidative stress which is the key element in how flavonoids help prevent and assist in healing cancers.

Research over the years has shown that three of the flavonoids best known to help in healing when someone has cancer are Rutin, Quercetin and Curcumin. Quercetin is in apples, onions, berries and citrus fruits such as oranges. If you combine Quercetin with green tea extract then it can become a great healing cocktail.

Studies that have been done on rats show that mammary tumours that were treated using this cocktail reduced the severity of the tumour. Rutin works along with quercetin and protects sensory neurons as well as having anti-inflammatory benefits which can be helpful for such illnesses as rheumatoid arthritis. Other studies have shown that the flavonoids Rutin and Catechin have an effect on cancers such as breast tumours, prostate and ovarian cancer, as well as pancreatic, lung, skin, and brain cancers. The third flavonoid Curcumin is a main ingredient in the spice turmeric. This flavonoid works best when combined with Piperine, also has an effect on many cancers and studies done on ovarian cancer show that it can clear cancer stem cells as well. Of course it is hard to generalise as everyone is different so you need to speak with your natural practitioner and medical doctor and get them to work together on this.

It is good to remember that inflammation is a precursor for many illnesses, especially cancer and the lower our inflammation levels, the higher our alkalinity in our bodies, the better chance of us remaining or getting healthier. Eating a healthy diet of organic foods, rich in ones that contain these powerful flavonoids may help reduce the risk of cancer and also help with many other health problems as well.

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