Tuesday 17 September 2024

Food and how it affects your brain

healthy foods

The food you eat can affect how you think and how your brain functions. That is just one more reason why it’s important to eat healthy food.

Foods that a good for your brain

Avocados are full of antioxidants that suppress free radicals. Antioxidants can help to prevent neuron death, and may help prevent neurodegenerative disease. Avocados also contain monounsaturated fatty acids and folate; both of these can help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease. Blueberries are another great food for the brain. There has been research that found that eating 2 servings of blueberries a week may delay cognitive decline by up to 2½ years.

Coffee despite the negative effects that too much coffee has on the body, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that protect the brain from damage. However, this doesn’t mean you should be drinking an excessive amount of it. Another great food is dark chocolate. This is because cacao is a rich source of flavonoids that promote neuron and blood vessel growth in your brain, stimulate brain blood flow, and may help improve recall and cognitive processing. Likewise, this is not an excuse to binge out on dark chocolate. Green tea contains EGCG, a flavonoid that can bind to and prevent the formation of beta-amyloid proteins, this is also good for preventing Alzheimer’s. Other good teas are White, Oolong, Black tea, and peppermint.

turmeric plant

There are also some herbs and spices that can help with brain function. Turmeric is excellent for reducing inflammation and increasing blood flow to your brain. Apigenin which is in parsley, thyme, oregano, and basil, can also protect your brain from inflammation, oxidation, and plaque formation.

Leafy Greens are beneficial for brain health as they could slow cognitive aging by up to 11 years. Also, legumes. These are high in protein and fibre and may stop or significantly slow Alzheimer’s progression by preventing the formation of amyloid-β plaque. Nuts & seeds are anti-inflammatory and rich in sterols, stanols, fibre, minerals, and vitamin E, which protect your brain cells from oxidative damage and boost cognitive function. Whole Grains are high in fibre and vitamin E which are associated with lower risk of cognitive decline.

Foods that are no good for your brain health


At the top of this list is processed foods. These are high in saturated and trans fats, added sugar and refined carbs, all of which are associated with poorer cognitive outcomes. Also, processed meats, such as bacon, sausage, beef jerky, and lunch meats that have been smoked or preserved with nitrites form compounds called nitrosamines, which promote neurodegeneration. Another food that isn’t good is red meat. This is because it is a concentrated source of heme iron. An excess of this increases oxidative stress that’s toxic to the brain and raises risk for Alzheimer’s. Butter & vegan butter substitutes are concentrated sources of saturated fat, regular consumption of which is associated with cognitive decline. Aspartame is also a stressor in your body, it raises cortisol levels and causes excess production of free radicals and artificially-sweetened drinks are associated with a higher risk for stroke and dementia.

Fried food is another one to steer clear of as it is associated with bad memory and cognitive function. Cheese, which can be a leading source of saturated and trans fats have also been linked to increased oxidative stress and poorer cognitive outcomes. Excessive alcohol, more than 8 drinks per week, is also on the cognitive decline list.

Find out what you are sensitive to

If you want to find out which foods are best for you then come to the clinic and have a sensitivity test. It’s a simple saliva or hair test and we can tell you exactly which foods are causing havoc in your body. We can also tell you what vitamins and minerals you are deficient in, what sprays, perfumes and pollutants are annoying your sinuses and skin and if you are being exposed to mould or are dust sensitive. Give us a call or email today to book for your test and get on to a healthier you.