Sunday 28 April 2024

Toxins affect your brain and all of your health

Toxins are fine particles that can enter your bloodstream and damage your brain in a variety of ways including cerebrovascular damage, brain nerve damage and brain tumours. Toxins can cause underlying factors such as cellular breakdown, oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and autonomic dysfunction. Toxins can also cause inflammation, oxidative stress, infection, and allergies.

Exposure to natural or manmade toxic substances can alter the normal activity of your nervous system. It can disrupt or even kill neurons. These are the key cells that transmit and process signals in your brain and other parts of the nervous system.

Where do they come from?

Toxins can enter your body through exposure to substances in chemotherapy, radiation treatment, drug therapies and organ transplants. Also, heavy metals such as lead and mercury, certain foods and food additives, pesticides, industrial and/or cleaning solvents, cosmetics and artificial or man-made perfumes. There are many more ways toxins can enter your body. Too numerous to list here.

Symptoms of exposure

Symptoms can appear immediately or later when the toxin is out of sight. Some of the symptoms that you may experience include insomnia, short-term memory loss, problems speaking or functioning properly, lack of mental clarity, decline in intellect. Also, you may suffer increased headaches or migraines, have decreased concentration, and experience behavioural or psychological changes.

The health of your brain

Enzymes are molecules that speed up the rate of all chemical reactions inside your cells. Toxins poison these enzymes, making them less effective. Toxins in your body will displace minerals resulting in your bones being weaker. When toxins displace the calcium in your bones with a twofold effect. Your skeleton will be weaker and there is a risk of increased toxin release when you start losing bone cells. For women this happens during menopause.

The toxins being released by the loss of bone will then circulate throughout the body and ultimately, they will affect your brain. They will increase inflammation and brain cell loss in your elderly years.

What do toxins do?

Toxins can damage organs like the brain through something called B4. This is a breach of the blood-brain barrier and an example is like when chlorine binds onto the thyroid receptor sites. This forms what’s called a neo-epitope. This will make your immune system produce antibodies to the chlorine thyroid neo-epitope to fight it. This type of action can also damage DNA. When this happens, it increases the rate of aging and cellular degeneration.

Many commonly used pesticides, phthalates, improperly detoxified estrogens, and products that contain benzene can also damage your DNA. Toxins also modify the way your genes express themselves. Your genes switch on and off to adapt to changes in your bodies and the outer environment. Many toxins will activate or suppress your genes in undesirable ways.

The results of this are health problems in your brain such as depression and dementia. As well as effects that can span for generations. Toxins can also cause anxiety, interfere with hormones and cause other imbalances. Toxins such as BPA can also induce, inhibit, and mimic hormones.

So, what action can I take?

There are a number of studies done on these topics and if you are inclined you can go and read them. The job of a naturopath or natural therapist is to research such topics and to apply them to clients that present with unusual physical symptoms, psychological and emotional symptoms and stresses that many others may put in the ‘too hard’ basket. This clinic specialises in assisting you to get to the root of your toxaemia and getting healthier. Toxins can also impair your body’s ability to detoxify. We can also help you with that as well as to reduce the toxins you are exposed to and give your body a regular detox. Contact us today to find out how we can help.