Friday 15 March 2024

Treating diabetes with herbs


Diabetes is a disease that affect how the body uses blood sugar, or glucose. Glucose is a source of energy that is important for the cells in your body that make up your muscles and tissues. Glucose is your brains main fuel. There are two chronic types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. There are also types of diabetes that can potentially be reversible. These are pre-diabetes and gestational diabetes. Pre-diabetes is when your blood sugar levels are higher than normal, however they are not high enough to be called diabetes. If you have been told you have pre-diabetes you should be aware that this can lead to diabetes unless you take certain steps to prevent it. The other type of diabetes is called Gestational diabetes. This type happens during pregnancy. However, there is a good chance it will go away after you give birth to your baby. Once again you need to be careful and be aware that this may not always be the case.

Causes of Diabetes

The main causes for diabetes vary depending on the type.

All types of diabetes lead to excess sugar in the blood.  If you  have too much sugar in the blood it can lead to other serious health problems.

Type 1 Diabetes is usually from birth though it can be otherwise. It can occur if your immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas. Type 1 diabetes may be generic but some environmental factors, such as viruses, can trigger the disease.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. There are a few contributing factors that can cause you to develop this type of diabetes. There are many lifestyle factors involved and some people do believe it is in your genes. Often some type of energetic healing is needed in that case. If you are overweight, eat junk foods, too much sugar or chemical type GMO foods then you have a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes.

Natural ways to manage your diabetes

There is a way that you can help manage your diabetes naturally. You can do this through the use of certain herbs and adjust your diet and lifestyle.

Some of these herbs include bitter melon. This helps to reduce blood sugar levels and helps with other symptoms of diabetes. Gymnema is an herb that can help get rid of sugar levels and increase your insulin levels. It can also assist in helping with the cravings for sugar. Another good herb is cinnamon. This herb can lower your blood pressure, your cholesterol and your glucose levels, while increasing your insulin sensitivity. Ginger is also good for lowering blood sugar levels and it can help your digestion and is an anti-inflammatory.

One herb that is good for slowing the progress of Type 2 diabetes is Aloe Vera. This is because of its antioxidant effects. Milk Thistle also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Milk Thistle is a good herb to detox your liver. Lastly Fenugreek is a good herb for increasing your insulin levels as well as helping to reduce blood sugar and lower cholesterol.

Prime importance is your diet and enough exercise is key for managing your diabetes. Also reducing your stress levels and taking time out for yourself. You cannot expect herbs, supplements or even doctors’ medication to work properly if you keep messing it up by not attending to what it means for you to heal it yourself. If your lifestyle is bad you can’t expect to be healthy nor to live on this planet for any length of time because it will all catch up to you. So please do something about your health now before all your hard work is of no avail and you risk becoming just another statistic.

How to get help

This clinic specialises in helping people create healthy lifestyles, address their illnesses and eradicate them. Please give us a call for a few minutes chat to see how we can help you. Or email us on