Monday 25 December 2023

How to keep your brain strong and healthy

We focus so much attention on keeping our body fit and healthy, that sometimes we forget that our brain needs attention also. There are many things you can do that will help your brain to adapt and change with the times. 

Be sure to enrich your environment by keeping your brain active. Be part of a learning environment that offers you plenty of opportunity for focus, novelty and is a good challenge. These types of environments can stimulate positive changes in your brain. It’s more important during childhood and adolescence but even adults get rewards from this type of stimulation.

Ways to keep your brain active

There are many things that you can do to challenge your brain and keep your mind sharp. Read, create art, travel to explore new places, learn a new language or learn how to play an instrument. Interrupt this with plenty of rest to let your brain recover.


Sleep has a very important role in dendritic growth in your brain. Dendrites are the growths at the end of neurons that help transmit information from one neuron to the next. If you strengthen these connections, it will help encourage greater brain plasticity. Sleep also has important effects on your physical and mental health. Make sleep and rest just as important as anything else.

If you need help improving your sleep, try practicing good sleep hygiene. This means developing a consistent sleep schedule and creating an environment that contributes to good sleep. Our clinic can assist with these. Set up a session with one of our sleep specialists today.


Regular exercise is also important for your brain’s health. Physical activity has many benefits such as preventing neuron loss in key areas of the hippocampus. This is the part of the brain involved in memory and other functions. Sleep also plays a role in new neuron formation in this same area. Exercise boosts brain plasticity, functional connectivity, and the basal ganglia, which is the part of your brain responsible for motor control and learning.

Playing games

Games aren't just for kids. By playing board, card, video, and other games it can help to improve your brain's neuroplasticity.  


Mindfulness is when you completely immerse your mind in the present moment, without ruminating over the past or contemplating the future. The key is being aware of the sights, sounds, and sensations around you.  

There are some medical conditions that tend to limit or hinder your brains plasticity. Some of these are epilepsy, cerebral palsy, tuberous sclerosis, and Fragile X syndrome. However there are also natural ways and some medications that can assist you if you have any of these conditions.

The bottom line is that it is important to remember to not only look after your body, but to also look after your brain. This will help keep it sharp and healthy.