Saturday 23 September 2023

Silica for your skin, hair, nails and even more

Silica is important for our bodies overall optimal functioning. It plays a big part in all areas of our health.

Research has found that silica plays a big part in proper growth and development. It is also needed for our body to create and maintain collagen. Many studies have concluded that deficiencies in silica develop abnormalities and affect growth. Silica supplementation helps in all stages of your life.

Collagen is a very tough, fibrous material. Its job is to hold us together physically. As we age, many problems are a result of your body not being able to maintain adequate collagen. These problems include dry skin, weakened teeth and gums, joint deterioration, brittle bones, several organs not working properly, hardening of the arteries and the inability to digest food properly. When you are young, silica levels in your body are high and making your bones and joints more flexible and your skin is supple and glowing. As we age, Silica levels decline, this leaves your body without adequate silica in your tissues. We tend to manifest many of the symptoms of aging like joint disease, weakened digestion, and wrinkled skin.

Health benefits

There is many health benefit that you get from silica. These include connective tissue strength and support for your joints, ligaments and muscles. Bone strength and support is another great benefit. This happens because calcium absorption is enhanced within the bone. Silica is the essential component involved with the collagen and calcium absorption. A deficiency in these means it is difficult to form bone. You need both the calcium and silica. It helps strengthen your teeth and gums and even assists in cardiovascular support by creating supple arteries and veins. It is also effective in removing plaque from your artery walls. Many stomach and digestive disorder involve a degeneration of the lining of the gastrointestinal tract and silica assists in rebuilding these tissues.  

Silica is also great for your whole immune system. Your skin as your first line of defence against bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens needs this to maintain healthy skin tissue. Even with wound or burns it aids in the healing process. Silica also stimulates fast re-growth of damaged skin.

If you find that you are getting thinning hair, brittle nails, and dry skin check your collagen levels as these are all problems that occur when the levels are low. Lastly silica helps with aluminium elimination. Aluminium has been found to be a factor when it comes to getting Alzheimer’s disease.


The research shows that there are many benefits in taking a supplement. The reason you may need to supplement with silica is because as you age, your body retains less and less silica. Silica does not occur in sufficient amounts in food to do the job properly for you. It is however found in oats, millet, barley, wheat and potatoes. The problem is if you eat these foods, they are normally refined so much that all the silica has been removed and depending on your food sensitivities some of these can really upset your gut. Most people don’t not have adequate levels of essential nutrients, especially Silica when it comes to their diet.