Wednesday 10 May 2023

Having a healthy Gut and why it’s important

When we talk about gut health, we are referring to the function and balance of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal organs include your oesophagus, stomach and intestines. These all work together to digest the food you eat.

Having a healthy gut is very important for your overall health. Your gastrointestinal tract starts at your mouth and ends at your bottom. The function of your gastrointestinal tract is to take in food, digest it, absorb nutrients and get rid of waste.

Why is gut health so important?

The gut doesn’t only have a role in digestion, but it also has a huge role to play when it comes to immunity, emotional stress and chronic illnesses. Your gastrointestinal tract is full of bacteria that helps your body process food, maintain homeostasis (balance) and enhances your overall wellbeing. It also contains the microbiome. This is the makeup of bacteria and microorganisms in your digestive tract. Everyone's microbiome is different. However, a diverse array of microorganisms is ideal for your health. If this is deficient it leads to an increase of disease-causing bacteria. Your gut health can be linked to many diseases, including anxiety, depression, asthma, allergies, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and dementia.

Signs it might be worthwhile getting your gut heath checked

  • Stomach discomfort. If you are experiencing frequent symptoms such as gas, bloating and abdominal pain.
  • Skin irritation. These can include acne, eczema and psoriasis.
  • Bowel irregularity or changes in the frequency or consistency of your stools.
  • Food sensitivities. These happen when the body has trouble digesting particular foods. This is different from a food allergy, which is caused by an immune system reaction. Food sensitivity symptoms can include bloating, abdominal pain, gas, diarrhoea and nausea. It is the underlying cause of inflammation which leads to many illnesses.
  • Heartburn or reflux
  • Nausea and vomiting

Make sure you see your natural therapist if you're experiencing these symptoms. You should probably see your doctor also if you need any blood tests etc. done. This is to make sure there isn't anything else going on. Your naturopath and nutritionist should be able to put you on the path good health.

A healthy digestive system means your food can be broken down. It needs to be broken down so it can enter the bloodstream and be delivered as nutrients to your body to keep it healthy. Healthy bacteria and immune cells are important to keep the gut healthy and fight off infections. Your general health and wellbeing are maintained by your gut communicating with your brain and creating the terrain for good health.

Ways to help support your gut health

There are a few things you can do to give your gastrointestinal tract help. Firstly, you can make sure you are adding a diverse range of foods to your diet. Especially foods that come from plants. Also, adding fermented foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut can help balance the bacteria. Add plenty of prebiotic fibre-rich foods such as whole grains, bananas, asparagus and Jerusalem artichoke to your diet.

You should try to limit your intake of artificial sweeteners.  Another way to support your gut health is to manage your stress levels. Stress and the health of your gut are intimately connected. Make sure you take the right supplements in the right balance to keep your body healthy. Find out what foods upset you and cause your inflammation and stick to a plan to eliminate them. Message, call or email us to make a time to find out what your food sensitivities are, help you plan a healthy eating plan and stabilise your inflammation levels. Then sit back and enjoy life as you get healthier.