Monday 24 April 2023

How to keep your teeth healthy

Your overall health can be affected by your oral health. Bad oral heath can lead to diabetes, HIV/AIDS, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s diseases, and Sjogren’s disease. Not looking after your mouth, gums, and teeth causes unfriendly bacteria to spread around your whole body. This can lead to gastrointestinal disease. Imbalanced oral bacteria negatively affect your gut microbiome, possibly even the health of your immune defence.

Diseases caused by bad Oral Health

Alzheimer’s disease can also be linked to poor oral health. Research found that gingivitis bacteria, may be linked to an increased risk for Alzheimer’s. Gingivitis bacteria produces gingipains. This appears to correlate with the elevated brain levels of tau and ubiquitin, which are often found in Alzheimer’s patients. Preventing the spread of gingipains has shown to have an anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effect.

Gum disease can lead to developing cardiovascular disease more easily also. Oral bacteria can lead to endocarditis. This is from bacteria entering the blood and settling in parts of the heart or blood vessels. Also, bacteria in your mouth can eventually end up in your lungs leading to health problems like pneumonia.

How diet affects your teeth

If you eat a diet high in processed, sugary foods it can cause you significant oral health problems. This type of food is highly likely to leave behind substances that cause tooth decay and cavities. It can be made worse if you don’t practice good oral hygiene habits like brushing and flossing. Soft drink and other drinks that are high in sugar can be very damaging as they bath your teeth in sugar.

If you want healthy teeth and a good immune system it is important to include plenty of plant sources of calcium and phosphorus to your diet. These are important minerals for tooth strength.

Foods to help keep your teeth healthy

Plant based sources include: tofu, unsweetened plant milks, leafy greens, almonds, beans and lentils, sunflower seeds and whole grains, such as quinoa. There are some fruits that should be eaten minimally in order to have healthy teeth and one of these is citrus. The reason is because citrus can wear down the tooth’s enamel and lead to removing some of the minerals from the tooth. This makes your teeth weak. When your teeth are weakened, it can lead to cavities and decay. It is not recommended to avoid citrus fruit altogether though as they are high in Vitamin C – an essential vitamin. Just be aware to rinse or brush your teeth after your meals as the dentist would tell you and your teeth should be fine.

Remember to visit your dentist every six months for a check-up. If you are having issues with your teeth and immunity give us a call as we can help you with tips for a healthy diet to assist your whole body’s healing.