Saturday 18 February 2023

Worst foods and drinks for dental health

Keeping your teeth healthy is vital. Your teeth are very important, you need them to eat. In order to keep your teeth healthy, you should be mindful of the foods and drinks you are eating. These can destroy your teeth.

Foods that are bad for teeth

One thing that is not good for your teeth is sugar. You probably already know how bad sugar is for you and your general health, but what you may not realise, is how bad it is for your teeth. Sugar is normally found in highly refined and processed food. These foods include things like lollies, packaged baked foods such as cakes, biscuits, etc. and soft drinks. The problem is that sugar sits on your teeth and gums. It accumulates and increases your risk for cavities and tooth decay. Snack foods also often cause you problems with your teeth. This is because certain snack foods can get stuck in your teeth. This will increase your risk of bacteria building up. These foods include popcorn, chips and pretzels. Something that you may not have thought would be bad for your teeth is dried fruit. The problem with them is due to the fact that they are sticky and can get caught in your teeth. This again causes issues with bacteria build up. If you are after a fruity snack try swapping out the dried fruit with fresh fruit instead. White bread can also cause problems with your teeth. This is because these types of breads are typically made with refined white flour. This type of flour is usually stripped of most its natural fibre and nutritional value. It is typically higher in sugar content causing stickiness on your teeth. These foods include white bread, bagels, donuts, and white pizza dough. They are also very bad for your gut and can cause a whole list of stomach problems.

Drinks that are bad for your teeth

Not only should you be thinking about the foods you’re eating but also the types of drinks that you are drinking. Alcohol is not great for your teeth. If you are a heavy drinker, you will have a higher risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Alcohol abuse is actually the second most common risk factor for oral cancer. Other drinks that can cause you problems with your teeth include acidic drinks. If you are drinking a lot of citrus juices, soft drinks, Kombucha or coffee and tea you could find you have problems with your teeth. This is because these drinks have high acidity which can wear away the enamel on your teeth and lead to discoloration. While Kombucha offers several health benefits, it is high in sugar and acidity, and may be worse than soft drink. Green tea however, is linked to fewer cavities and better periodontal health.

The only time you shouldn’t brush your teeth is straight after eating or drinking sugary or acidic foods and beverages. You should rinse your mouth with water instead. You should wait at least 30 minutes before you brush because the acid temporarily weakens the tooth enamel.

Also remember to see your dentist at least every 6 months for a check up to make sure your teeth stay strong and healthy. Remember ideally your teeth need to last your for your whole life so look after them.