Sunday 17 April 2022

Autophagy and why it’s important to know what it is

Autophagy is your body’s way of getting rid of damaged cells. This essential cleaning process helps to promote building of new, healthy cells and is a needed for cellular rejuvenation and longevity.

What is Autophagy?

Autophagy destroys foreign invaders in your body like viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. Autophagy helps to detoxify the cells of harmful materials. However, it tends to slow down with age. When this happens, it can create a wide variety of diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.  There are a number of ways to activate and increase the natural process of autophagy which then helps us to prevent many health problems. Heard of intermittent fasting? Here is a full explanation.

How does it work?

Autophagy activation is a powerful way to treat many diseases. Autophagy normally happens at a rate of continuous supply in most cells. It eliminates protein masses forming and damaged small structures in cells that have functions like small organs but are within the cell itself. These are called organelles. This happens so that your body maintains a healthy balance within the cell for it to work properly. It includes reduction in the production of energy by a part of the cell called mitochondria via a process called, mitophagy. Mitophagy is the removal of damaged mitochondria (the structure that produces energy in the cell) All this is to keep your cells healthy.

This is a process that limits both the production of reactive oxygen species and the release of toxic proteins which can damage RNA, DNA or proteins needed by the body. This destruction happens in many illnesses such as neurodegenerative disorders, metabolic conditions, infectious diseases and cancers. These things can disrupt autophagy or inhibit it.

The disruption and inhibition of autophagy can increase disease. However, in some other cases autophagy may be good regarding the development of a disease. Inducing autophagy has been shown to increase longevity and help with some neurodegenerative diseases as well as inhibiting autophagy inhibition has been used as a strategy for treating some cancers. Basically, cyclical autophagy is a natural way to help improve your health and longevity.

How to boost Autophagy

To help achieve these benefits you need to boost autophagy naturally. You do this through healthy lifestyle strategies. The most effective way is to fast. This is because autophagy is stimulated during various pathological and physiological states like starvation. Starvation induced autophagy is a way to control cells by destroying proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. This then lets the cell adapt its metabolism to meet its energy needs. Water-only fasts are a form of starvation that induce autophagy. Even only as little as 200 calories can inhibit the process. This starvation period needs to be around at least 16 hours longer if possible. However, autophagy cannot remain activated all the time as you need to let the cells rebuild and rejuvenate. Rejuvenation happens during the re-feeding phase which is why cyclical fasting and feeding both need to be done.

Precautions you must take

There are precautions you need to take though, if you're on medication, you need speak to your natural therapist and doctor to ensure this is done safely. You should continue taking nutritional supplements during your fast. You also need to take a high-quality salt. The first time you do a water-only fast, start slowly by fasting for 16 hours a day, and slowly work up to 20 hours a day. Once you've done that for a month, it will be easier to get through a five-day water fast. All fasting needs to be supervised by a medical professional and I can’t stress this enough. Your doctor, naturopath or natural therapist must be on deck to supervise your fasting and be aware that it is happening. If they ever tell you to stop then you must stop as these people are highly trained to help you achieve optimum health.