Wednesday 15 December 2021

Stress, anxiety & depression respond to higher serotonin levels

If you have been feeling a little down lately, it could be because your levels of serotonin have been low. Serotonin is a feel-good chemical. It gets that name because it can raise your mood and make you feel happy if you have higher levels of it and if levels are low you can suffer from anxiety, depression, and low energy.

How to boost serotonin levels

There are some foods that can help boost your serotonin levels. These foods include nuts and seeds, tofu and pineapple. This is because they contain tryptophan. Eating the foods by themselves may not boost your levels enough though so you should also exercise regularly. Exercise will increase your levels and also increases tryptophan levels in the brain for hours after the workout. Research has found that when you exercise consistently it can have the same affect on you as antidepressants.

Serotonin is used by the brain, but is primarily produced in the gut. Your gut actually produces 90 percent of serotonin in the body. That is why it’s important to keep your gut healthy. The best way to keep your gut healthy is to cut back on your sugar intake and limit your intake of processed foods. Also cut back on alcohol as when you are feeling low it will make you feel worse because alcohol lowers serotonin levels.

Sunlight is also good for your serotonin levels. There is research that shows that people have higher levels of serotonin in their body on a sunny day than they do on a cloudy day. So, on the days that the sun is shining it’s a good idea to get out and go for a walk. By walking for just 20 minutes every morning, after the sun comes up you may feel great the whole day.

Another idea is to get a massage as it will loosening your muscles and release tension. Research shows that a massage can help relieve depression and anxiety as it reduces cortisol levels in your body by around 31%. Massage therapy can also help to boost your serotonin levels by around 28%. Also try and remain optimistic about circumstances in your life. Being pessimistic only brings down your mood. It’s not even about thinking of the glass, which represents your life, as being half full when it’s filled halfway. It’s about believing that soon that glass will be overflowing with all the good things in life – like the sweetness of a yummy drink overflowing from the glass.

What about supplements?

Serotonin supplements are available but be mindful if you take these as they can have side effects such as dizziness and insomnia. It is a good idea to consult your health care practitioner to see what is best for you. If you are having stress, anxiety or depression there are many natural ways to handle it. Give us a call to find out how.