Saturday 13 March 2021

Coping with anxiety – Part II

Last month we posted part I on how to deal with those anxious moments in your life. Now in Part II we will give you some more tips to help you overcome and move forward from your anxiety into a brighter future.

Tune in on your perspective

When you are feeling anxious it can be difficult to decipher what is real and what may not necessarily be true. When you are feeling anxious you may find that everything irritates you, even small things that you know normally wouldn’t bother you. You may even find that no matter what someone says or does, you cannot break through that feeling of irritation. This can cause you to want to remove yourself from others. The problem with this is, when you are alone you may start filling your mind with more and more anxious thoughts. You may find yourself thinking that the people around you don’t want you there or that you don’t belong. Luckily there are a few things you can do to help cope with these feelings and thoughts.

Helping with the negative thoughts

When it comes to the cycle of negative thoughts that may be running through your head, the first thing you should stop and ask yourself is, “it what I am think actually true?” You need to stop and think hard about it, don’t just automatically react and say ‘yes’. You can ask yourself questions like, ‘do I have reason to believe it’s true?’ ‘What are these reasons?’ ‘Can I read their mind and know what they are thinking?’ You need to be able to prove that the people or person you are having the negative thoughts about are actually having ill feelings towards you, if you cannot prove that this is the case then you need to think about reflecting on yourself and not on them.

When you learn to change your thoughts in these situations and say to yourself, ‘why am I thinking this?’ you will allow yourself to be more in control of your negative thoughts and it will help you see past them when you do get irritated, anxious and/or frustrated at everyone and everything.

Look after yourself

If you look after yourself on the outside it can help you feel better on the inside. You can try exercise, yoga, meditation or even just getting some ‘you’ time when you feel you need it, can all be helpful in making you feel better inside and out. Remember to not only do these things when you feel anxious, do them all the time.

Don’t burden yourself with other people’s rubbish

When you feel anxious and are struggling, it can be very easy for you to take on the burden of someone’s lies and rubbish without even thinking twice about it. However, this is something that you need to recognise and stop from happening. Call people out on their lies and if they are not treating you well.

Think positive

If you are surrounded by negative people it can be easy to fall into the same way of thinking all the time. This is why it is better to surround yourself with positive people. If you can force yourself to think of happy thoughts in the moments when someone is being particularly negative, it will help create serotonin in your brain and provide you the extra boost you need to remove yourself from the situation.

These tips will help you a bit along the way but if you have persistent negativity, anxiety, stress, panic attacks or depression then contact us as we can help. We do both face to face and online consultations and we can quickly help you overcome those feelings that are holding you back from having joy in your life.