Thursday 16 July 2020

Lowering cholesterol

Whilst we need cholesterol to build healthy cells high cholesterol is not good for your health. High cholesterol can lead to fatty deposits in the blood vessels which grow and make it difficult for enough blood to flow through the arteries causing health issues. Everything from Alzheimer’s, cancer, dementia to heart disease. Thankfully dietary changes help reduce your cholesterol and risk of these health problems.
Foods to help lower cholesterol
These include plant-based foods and proteins such as beans, lentils, fruits such as oranges, apples, berries, oats, and foods that contain sterols such as nuts. The nuts need to be raw and unsalted and the best are hazelnuts, macadamia, pine, walnuts, brazil nuts and cashews.
Plant based protein
Protein foods are not just meat as there are many plant foods that contain protein. These plant-based proteins are great for lowering cholesterol. They include fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Other great sources come from coconuts, avocados, quinoa, tofu, miso, tempe and even dairy alternatives of coconut milk, hemp seed milk and almond milk.
Plant sterols
These are substances found in nuts, beans, grains, fruit and vegetables that are like cholesterol. By eating more plant sterols you can reduce health problems. Plant sterols are found in pistachio nuts, macadamia nuts, almond butter, olive oil, wheat germ oil, sesame seeds, sage, thyme, paprika and oregano.
There are two types of fibre soluble and insoluble. Insoluble goes through the digestive system undigested and helps keep it moving. Soluble fibre in the stomach forms a gel when it mixes with liquids and this helps to reduce cholesterol levels. Some sources of soluble fibre are nuts, legumes, seeds, whole grains, fruit and vegetables. The best sources though are brussel sprouts, oats, broccoli, pears, carrots, avocado, sweet potato and black beans.
If you find your cholesterol levels are creeping up try changing your diet to include some of these foods and you may find that the cholesterol levels start to reduce in turn reducing your health risks.