Monday 21 October 2019

Acid Reflux and natural options to heal

Acid reflux is also known as heartburn, indigestion and pyrosis and it happens when food and stomach acid go back up into the oesophagus. Acid reflux can be very painful, cause burping, vomiting, choking and is dangerous long term as not only can you have a burnt oesophagus but it is believed in some more severe cases there can be chest pains that can feel like you’re having a heart attack. The acid can irritate the oesophagus and also cause scarring, swelling, ulceration and hemorrhaging. Some experts believe frequent acid reflux could lead to oesophageal cancer.

If you are a sufferer you may need to look at your diet and see if there is something that is causing it such as eating too late at night, too heavy meals, over eating, sweet foods like chocolate, coffee etc. Remedies involve foods with live enzymes, alkaline foods and remedies, slippery elm powder (not the tablets, the powder). All these remedies involve a balance of the hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach. By changing regular table salt to Himalayan crystal salt with many trace minerals that are good for you may get some improvement. Also Betaine HCL supplements before meals can help to balance the hydrochloric acid levels, some digestive enzymes and making sure you eat a lot slower.

Changing your diet can be helpful. If you are eating a lot of processed foods or sugars it will imbalance the bacteria in the stomach. Replace wheat and yeast with wheat free/yeast free products, go lactose free or cut out dairy completely and replace packaged foods with fresh fruit and vegetables. Probiotics and prebiotics will help balance stomach bacteria.

Calm your stomach with one tablespoon raw organic apple cider vinegar in water if you are not sensitive to this food as it will help to promotes digestion. Do a sensitivity test to check what foods you are sensitive to and which cause inflammation. Also organic Aloe Vera is good for calming the stomach and supports digestion.

Our clinic assists with changes in diet, healthy eating plans, sensitivity testing and balancing your inflammation levels.