Saturday 21 September 2019

Fibroids – what are they and why are they a problem?

Fibroids are very common; they are growths that form on the smooth muscles in the pelvic region in women. These are non-cancerous and can vary in size. Based on their location, there are different types of fibroids. If they are growing out and away from the cavity of the uterus, they are given the name subserosal, if they are growing in the muscle wall they are known as intramural fibroids and if they grow into the cavity of the uterus, they are called submucosal fibroids.     
Symptoms that you may get when you have fibroids are problems with menstruation, this could mean things like heavy bleeding or bleeding more that once a month and/or your period lasting longer. Other symptoms are pain in your pelvic area, more frequent urination or trouble emptying your bladder when you go, constipation and back or leg pain.
The most common way to find out if you have fibroids is to have an ultrasound done. Having both a trans-abdominal and a trans-vaginal ultrasound can increase the accuracy. Sometimes they can be mistaken as cysts. When the fibroids are only small and are no bigger than 3cm you may be told to keep an eye on the symptoms and they will monitor them to see if they continue to grow.
What causes fibroids?
You may have a greater risk of them growing if you have your first period before the age of 10, have not had children, if you have polycystic ovary syndrome, have diabetes and/or are over the age of 40. Other factors that can lead to fibroids are high blood pressure, excess body fat around the waist, bad cholesterol or triglyceride levels and eating to many foods with carbohydrates – breads, cakes, potatoes etc. Another cause of fibroids can be stress because when you are stressed you don’t eat properly or take care of yourself as well as you could. Often you forget to exercise or get enough sleep and all this makes for poor health and lowered immune systems.
To help shrink the fibroids and help relieve the pain you can try some vitamins and herbs such as green tea, Vitamin D, Curcumin, and Black Cohosh. There are other natural ways and these should be done under the care of your natural therapist in unison with your doctor.
Acupuncture can help with pain. In some severe cases you may be told you need to have a hysterectomy but if you can, and if your doctor agrees, try to treat them naturally first.
There is also a surgical procedure that can remove the fibroids leaving the uterus but the success of this procedure is restricted to how big they already are. Other procedures that can be performed include a UAE, this is when they try and cut the blood supply to the fibroids by inserting microscopic inert particles, which are plastic. However there can be quite a few complications related to this procedure including pain, cramping, vomiting, fatigue and fever.
There is also magnetic resonance-guided ultrasound surgery, which involves a high energy ultrasound wave being directed at the fibroid. This has been known to reduce symptoms, however can be only temporary.
The good news is that fibroids can shrink as you pass through menopause. All on their own but it is a good idea to give them a bit of help to make sure by contacting your natural therapist who will give you the right diet, supplements and lifestyle changes you need to get you healthy and keep you that way.

Tuesday 17 September 2019

Improving your brain function

Being healthy is not just about physical health. It’s not just about doing exercise, eating healthy and drinking enough water. You also need to look after your brain function if you want to be an active elderly adult.

Monitoring brain function pretty much can only be done by checking out how good we feel. Unfortunately this is not a good way to monitor things as there are a lot of factors that contribute to you feeling good or bad. Sometimes when you feel a bit off colour and foggy in the head your brain may just need a bit of a boost.

Improving your brain function is not as hard as you may think, all we need is a little help and this can be as simple as taking adaptogens. These are herbs or fungi that not only help boost brain function but can help your body adapt to stress, both physical and mental. They help to support your body, regulate your hormones as well as giving your immune system a boost.

Adding these herbs to your morning smoothie is a great way to add adaptogens to your diet. These herbs can help with focusing, productivity, and memory.

Herbs to ask your naturopath about

Turmeric is also known as Curcumin. It’s a great herb that has many health benefits some of which are anti-inflammatory. Research shows that it can be beneficial to Alzheimer’s sufferers or people who have suffered from a stroke. Turmeric can also help if you are suffering from mild depression as it has shown to have anti-depressant properties. 

A powdered root called Ashwagandha can help increase brain function also as it helps improve memory and reduces brain fog. It has been shown to help with message transmitting from the body to the brain and vice versa.

Maca can help balance hormones, stimulate neural activity and help balance mood swings when taken regularly. Maca also helps with depression and anxiety. This wonderful herb contains antioxidants and AcHE inhibitory properties which help stop neurotransmitters from breaking down. That means it could be beneficial to people suffering with neurodegenerative diseases.

Rhodiola rosea is another herb great for reducing stress while increasing mental energy, focus, and fortitude by making neurons more sensitive to dopamine and serotonin. It also has antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties and can be a great natural way to treat those with neurodegenerative diseases.

Siberian Ginseng is another herb which helps to improve memory and speed up the processes in the brain making it easier to learn faster and absorb information so this is a good herb to take while studying.
All these herbs are great for improving brain function but when taking adaptogens it is important to consult a professional as these herbs can be powerful and may affect some conditions and medications such as birth control pills, diabetes medication and antidepressant medication. So never go and just buy herbs or supplements off the shelf without checking with your naturopath as they are the trained expert in this field. Bottom of Form