Saturday 20 October 2018

Managing productivity

Are you finding that your days are just going by and you’re not getting things done? Let’s help you become a bit more productive with a few tips.

Starting in the morning set your routine. Focus on yourself instead of work and emails. Take the time to get ready and eat a good nutritious breakfast. Spend some time working out, meditating or even just catching up with local news, a magazine or a few pages of a book. This will change the focus from the over anxious work day to a day that has you more present in the moment.

When you are ready to start your work thinking about what is the most important and make a list of what has to be done in order of the highest priority first to the least important. Doing this will help you decide how to prioritise and split your time so you don’t waste time on something that has a low priority of importance. Don’t worry about the less important things if you don’t get to them as long as your focus is on what really needs to be done first. The other things can flow over to the next day as top of the list or slip in a few extra minutes at the end of the day to get them off your to do list.

Remember to take breaks so that you refresh your brain and rejuvenate your body. This is very important especially if the job is challenging. By doing the most challenging tasks first you will feel a sense of fulfillment that they are complete and the breaks will refresh you to push forward with easier tasks making you more productive.

Very important is to prioritise your emails. Don’t let your emails boss you round and keep you glued to the computer screen. Answer the urgent ones, flag the next urgent and put the rest on the ‘to do’ list. Make it that you handle every email just twice. Once to see what it’s about and again to reply and file it. Once it’s filed move on to the next tasks and remember that although multi-tasking may seem like a good idea and make you feel as though you are getting through things faster in actual fact you are not because you are spreading your energies. This will have a negative impact on the quality of your work. It is always better to focus your full attention on what you are doing and move on when you are finished.

Even if you put just a few of these tips to use you will soon find your lifestyle and work ethic changes and you become more efficient giving you more free time to spend on other things that you love to do.