Monday 12 March 2018

Vitamin B12 deficiency and coughs

Do you have a bad cough and no-one can tell you why? There could be many reasons for this but perhaps one of the most elusive is a Vitamin B12 deficiency. Some studies have been done that link the two.

Many people have a Vitamin B12 deficiency and don’t know it. Older people, people with gastric reflux, people with H Pylori infections or one’s that have had it in the past and people who don’t watch their diets and create the deficiency themselves by not eating right are all at risk. Also at risk are people taking some prescription medications. If you find you are constantly having trouble sleeping then you could also be lacking in Vitamin B12 as this vitamin helps produce the sleep inducing hormone, melatonin.

Most cases of chronic cough have been diagnosed as cough reflux, gastroesophageal reflux or allergic rhinitis. Also smoking is a common cause of chronic cough, however there are some cases in which there is an unknown cause of the cough.

The Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is a vitamin that helps the formation of blood cells, the nervous system and brain function. When the body is lacking in Vitamin B12 it can cause a tingling or burning sensation in the body and a numbness or lack of feeling. This is because the lack of Vitamin B12 can affect the sensory neuropathy in the body.

If you are lacking in Vitamin B12 after a while the effect on the sensory neuropathy can start to cause neurogenic inflammation of the airway, due to elevated levels of nerve growth factor. This inflammation will start to affect the flow of air through the passage way and hence cause a chronic cough.

Ways that you can help to increase your Vitamin B12 intake can include taking probiotics to help reduce H Pylori infections in the stomach as these can cause a Vitamin B12 deficiency. Eating a healthy diet with animal products such as dairy, and meat are good sources of B12. If you are vegan and don’t eat animal product you should seek advice on supplements to take because, even though algae contain Vitamin B12, it is a different type and doesn’t work the same way in the body. It is also possible to get a false reading of B12 levels to show that they are higher than they actually are. The best delivery though of B12 supplementation is through sublingual tablets or low dose sprays and tablets are not as effective.

Check with your naturopath or practitioner as to what you need to increase your B12 levels and how you can improve your diet to get a good balance of supplements. It is not a good idea to not attend to that chronic cough and if the doctor is coming up with nothing on his tests you need to investigate elsewhere.